<..." /> A1 Launches Digitally Today With The Weirding Willows - Comics for Sinners


Published on June 5th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

A1 Launches Digitally Today With The Weirding Willows

A1 Weirding Willows coverA1, the award-winning anthology series by Titan Comics and ATOMEKA launches digitally today with “A1 Presents Weirding Willows” on ComiXology.

A1 is a new monthly series by Dave Elliott featuring three fantastic ongoing strips: Weirding Willows, Odyssey and Carpe DIEm.

A1 has a long pedigree in comics. Launched in the late 1980s as an outlet for the creator-owned stories of Dave Elliott and Garry Leach, the award-winning anthology quickly became a place where big-name industry friends could follow their creator-owned desires and publish their own material.

Now, Elliott is taking A1 back to its roots, with three top-grade tales created by himself and his closest artistic friends, released as part of a co-publishing venture between Titan Comics and Atomeka.

A1 now returns monthly, showcasing three brand-new ongoing stories reflecting the variety it has always been known for:

Weirding Willows, by writer Dave Elliott and artists Barnaby Bagenda, Sami Basri, Sakti Yuwono & Jessica Kholinne, sees the worlds of Wonderland, OZ, Neverland, Mars, Pellucidar and Elysium leak through portals into the little English town of Willow Weir, as Alice and her allies defend her world from the things that would come through those portals to destroy them!

Odyssey, by writer Dave Elliott and artists Garrie Gastonny and Sakti Yuwono, follows an immortal military superhero, out of place and time, who finds himself in the middle of an eternal war for mankind between Angels and Demons!

Carpe DIEm, by writer W. H. Rauf and artist/creator Rhoald Marcelius, follows an offbeat group of the world’s seven greatest assassins: one for each day of the week! Their leader is always a Sir Monday… but the rest of the team always hate Mondays! A riot of colour and concepts in a Tank Girl vein.


Weirding Willows is available to read digitally from today on ComiXology. The print version of A1 #1 hits stores on the June 12, then Carpediem appears digitally on June 19 and Odyssey on June 26.

Each strip on ComiXology is 99 cents and comes with their own digitally exclusive cover, plus extra editorial content not available in the printed version.

To keep up-to-date with news from Titan Comics, visit titan-comics.com or join us on Facebook or follow @comicstitan on Twitter.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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