Published on January 4th, 2016 | by Richard Boom
Adam Warren’s Empowered For Free
In order to build more awareness to the Dark Horse series, “singer/songwriter” and all-around creative mastermind Adam Warren is releasing the first Volume as mega-teaser-preview as well as adding commentary to each page/art. Here is what he has to say about this himself:
Welcome, everyone, to the webcomic serialization of Empowered, my ongoing “sexy superhero comedy” series published (in print) by Dark Horse Comics!
Starting way back in 2007, Empowered has been released as a series of (ahem) Original Graphic Novels—or “OGNs,” to the cognoscenti. That mildly pretentious term means that each installment hit the shelves as a big ol’ trade paperback without first being seeing print in the monthly “floppy” or “pamphlet” form that most superhero comics are conventionally published in. I’d planned from the start of Empowered’s print-comic release to eventually serialize the book online but, well, never quite got around to it. Years later, I’m very happy that to partner with HiveWorks for this “better late than never” online release!
At present, nine volumes of Empowered are in print, along with a single volume of Empowered Unchained, which collects a half-dozen short stories written by me and drawn by a fine roster of Special Guest Artists. If you’d care to skip ahead—potentially way ahead—of the webcomic’s serialization, all ten books are available in trade paperback from the HiveWorks Store link at right. Likewise, all of Empowered’s volumes are also available in digital-comic format from the Dark Horse Digital Store and Comixology links at right. (Psst: For the record, if you’re feeling generously inclined, I make a tad more money off the Dark Horse Digital version of the series.)
In the hopes of attracting the attention of the series’ existing print- and digital-comic readership, as bonus, “value-added” content I’ll be writing an ongoing commentary on each and every Empowered page posted here. (Well, for the first volume’s 248 pages, at least; a year from now, I’ll have to reevaluate how favorably inclined I am towards cranking out commentaries in my nonexistent free time.) I’m also hoping that new readers might find said commentaries to be of interest, even though reading ’em after each story page might break up the narrative flow a tad. (Your Mileage May Vary on this issue, of course.)