Published on May 27th, 2019 | by Richard Boom
0Adam Warren’s Empowered Returns To End it
Since 2007, creator Adam Warren has brought the adventures of Empowered and the Superhomeys to kickass life, and their suprastory continues in September with Empowered Volume 11 TPB, the long-awaited full-volume conclusion to the story begun in Empowered Volume 10, featuring nonstop cover-to-cover caped combat!
Empowered is back and in distress! She finds herself the target of a maniacal new supervillain who uses his godlike powers to turn the entire city of suprahumans against her. Outnumbered and under siege, aided only by the ghost of a slain hero, can Empowered survive the onslaught long enough to free her enslaved teammates and loved ones? Or is this the end of Emp and the rest of the Superhomeys for good?
The 216-page Empowered Volume 11 arrives in comic shops September 18, 2019 and bookstores October 1, 2019. You can pre-order it now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at your local comic shop.