
Published on July 13th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Amigo Comics Solicits for October 2013

Oh, El Torres always wanted to write his own book of giant monsters stomping over cities and creating a path of destruction… and now Amigo Comics is proud to bring you GARGANTUAN… where the giant monsters are something quite new from you could expect. With the amazing art of Ruben Rojas!

And there are news from ROGUES! A brand new #1 that brings you the awesome artwork of Lolita Aldea! Lolita is a spanish artist that will draw the entire story arc that will follow our heroes from the corners of Gerada to the cold wastes of the North in search of… a dragon? What is this? Dungeons and Dragons? I say NEIGH!

Rogues-The-frozen-ship-portada-1-600x880ROGUES! Vol. 2, #1

Story by: El Torres
Art by: Lolita Aldea
Color by: Sandra Molina
Cover Artist: Lolita Aldea

New story arc and new artist! The spectacular art of Lolita Aldea illustrates a new adventure of Bram and Weasel, whose friendship is strong, but it will be put to the test when one gloomy night, a dark ship appears in Geradas’ harbor and the grim crew commands Bram, the Northerner, to join them in their deadly quest!

Hurry up! Go and check Previews if you want to know more about this story arc!

SC, 7×10, 32pgs, FC …………… $3.99
UPC Code: 799456681641-00111


Story by: El Torres
Art by: Ruben Rojas
Cover Artist: Ruben Rojas

They were the Titans that once walked the Earth and ruled over its inhabitants. Now they only exist in dreams and nightmares… like the ones Marshall Sarah Lozen has. And she doesn’t know that her pursuit of the criminal rockstar Crius will end with the rise of The Gargantuan… and the end of life on Earth as we know it!

“At last! The Giant-Lovecraftian-Godzillesque monsters story that I always wanted to write!”
–El Torres

SC, 7×10, 32pgs, FC $3.99
UPC Code: 799456681641-00111


Story by: Angel A. Svoboda

Art by: Angel A. Svoboda

Cover Artist: Angel A. Svoboda

This is the end! The end of the series and the end of the world if Doctor Ment, Harry and Elvis the Airpuff don’t stop The Great Cthulhu and his evil army of evilness! But they are not alone! They have the help of Selma, Otis the Zombi, the Stinker Pirate and his ghost ship… Cthulhu Mythos and fun? Yes, it’s possible!

If we were you, we wouldn’t like to miss out on this opportunity to read what the Old Cthulhu is doing in the evil business. Read more about this issue in the Diamond Previews and order your copy!

SC, 7×10, 32pgs, FC $3.99
UPC Code: 799456681627-0031


  • Doc Brown at The Geeks of Doom reviews The Westwood Witches #2: “I held out the hope that this Spanish team would give the 4-issue horror series the same careful attention that has been shown in the horror film industry in Spain in recent years.
    They completely blew me away.”
  • Invest Comics about Rogues #3: “The art is surprisingly attractive – a combination of clean lines and smooth colors. I was not expecting much going into Rogues!, but I found myself being impressed by the art and amused by the humor. 7/10.”
  • Charles Bitterbaum at The Newest Rant does like The Westwood Witches:“…(it) is expertly written, and the art by Abel Garcia impresses throughout the whole book with its mixture of the realistic and ethereal both drawn beautifully. I would definitely recommend people check out this book, and if Amigo’s good start with title is an indicator of future books from them, they will definitely be a new publisher to watch.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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