ARH COMIX and ARH Studios Sta..." /> Announcing Winners Contest: ARH’s Queen Of Vampires #1-3 - Comics for Sinners


Published on June 29th, 2016 | by Richard Boom

Announcing Winners Contest: ARH’s Queen Of Vampires #1-3

ARH COMIX and ARH Studios Statue Collectors made sure C4S could hand out a set of amazing comics!

How to win?
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ARKHALLA-14sQueen-of-Vampires-Cover-1-xQUEEN OF VAMPIRES

“Our Hollywood pitch for this would be something like STARZ original series Spartacus in a vampire world” joke the good folks at ARH ComiX. But jesting aside, we guarantee you a unique, dramatic take on the vampire tale – from epic battles, armies of monsters and ancient realms rife with intrigue to rivers of blood, doomed romances and seductive, sultry femme fatales.”

Part of ARH’s “triple-threat” launch of fantasy comics sagas (including the pulp fantasy series ARHIAN: HEAD HUNTRESS and its spinoff, SHA-RYN), QUEEN OF VAMPIRES is a tale of horror, immortality and forbidden love set in ancient Mesopotamia, with its heroine, the cruel vampire queen Arkhalla, ruling her realm of enslaved humans with an iron fist until she falls in love with one of her slaves.

“It’s a love story,” confirms ARHComiX founder ARAHOM RADJAH, who plots the 7-issue epic written by ABRAHAM KAWA and drawn in scary, sexy detail by MANOS LAGOUVARDOS. The passions may be high and bloody, and the scale larger-than-life and action-packed, but in its core, this is a drama of character and powerful emotion.

Set against a canvas that is as rich as it is vast, Arkhalla’s story extends far beyond its confines. Additionally planned releases set to continue this 7 book-saga include further comic book series (as well as its epic ending set in the present day) in addition to a prose adaptation of the first story in novel format.

QUEEN OF VAMPIRES is available in stores NOW.

You can see Preview Pages here:

You can see the Statue here:

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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