
Published on March 9th, 2022 | by Richard Boom


Arachna Is Baaack! Bringing the adventure, peril, and sexy to comics!

Arachna is BACK for second dibs as you can see below via previews and HERE if you want to back it via Indiegogo!

Something festers in the sewers of the concrete jungle called New York City. Mutated monsters who are neither mice nor men face the wrath of the masked vigilante known as Arachna. She hunts the abandoned, sharp-teethed rat henchmen in search of a mad scientist calling himself Doc Diabolique. Arachna wants justice, she wants revenge, and nothing will stand in her webbed way. 

In her quest to settle the score, Arachna has to accept the tutelage of archaic Ji-ho. The Korean martial arts master came to the United States in search of a peppy pupil worthy enough to carry his legacy.  His fledgling student leaves America in a hurry when Doc  Diabolique is offered to Arachna on a silver platter. 

The masked heroine allows an alluring jungle girl to take her to the Caribbean where the owner and master of a remote jungle island extends his dubious hospitality. There’s more to the seemingly suave and scarred hunter named Jaecar than meets the eye.  Arachna quickly learns that the bear traps and spiked pits aren’t the only ensnares on the seemingly idyllic paradise island… 

Arachna 2: The Most Dangerous Game is the sequel to the crowdfunded comic hit Arachna:  The Adventure Begins. The story is about the titular spider-powered superhero with a  dissociative identity disorder. Arachna’s both a good and bad girl all rolled into one.  Whereas the first comic was 48 pages, Arachna 2 is 64 pages. Back it if you like sexy superheroines falling into perilous pits, or getting into ferocious fights against martial artists and mutated monsters.

Cover and Interior Art: Carlos Granda

Written by: Martti Kauppinen

Colors by: Javier Laparra

Letters by: Alex Simmons

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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