
Published on May 26th, 2014 | by Richard Boom

Aspen Comics August 2014 Solicitations

Aspen Comics has provided C4S with their pre-orderable titles in stores worldwide August 2014.


Vince Hernandez – Story / Mirka Andolfo – Art

Five realms. Five princesses. Zero men.

As the remaining ladies turn on Bethany following the reveal of the men’s final wish, the princess finds herself alone in the Five Realms with everyone out to murder her. Yet, not all citizens—and rulers—of the Five believe in following the pleas of a dying gender, as she will discover. However, first, she must find a way to escape Crossman’s Hall before Barra’s soldiers can end her reign—and her life!
Creator Vince Hernandez and artist Mirka Andolfo present to you the newest Aspen hit series – DAMSELS IN EXCESS!

DAMSELS IN EXCESS #2 is in stores August 20th, 2014!

DAMSELSinEXCESS-02c-Torque-2x3 DAMSELSinEXCESS-02a-Andolfo-2x3

Lola_XOXO-05a-Oum-2x3LOLA XOXO #5

Siya Oum – Story & Art

Aspen’s newest hit series continues!

Conrad arrives in Sinmora, and is shocked to find out that Lola’s life may be in danger. Meanwhile, a weakened and bloodied Wasteland Trading Co. finally find solace in a small town that may prove hopeful for a post-apocalyptic future ahead. However, Lola soon realizes that looks can be deceiving, and nothing is as it seems in the Wasteland—and this mistake could be her last!

One of 2014’s most exciting debuts, LOLA XOXO is ready to take you on an incredible adventure unlike any other!

LOLA XOXO #5 is in stores August 27th, 2014!



Michael Turner ; Bill O’Neil ; Vince Hernandez– Story / Talent Caldwell ; Ryan Odagawa – Pencils / Jason Gorder – Inks / Colors – Avalon ; Steigerwald ; Starr

Discover the treacherous origin of Killian, Fathom’s original villain—turned—Elite Commander of the Blue! Years before the events of Fathom Volume 1 and his failed attempt to convert Aspen Matthews, a much younger Killian learned the true nature of rebelling against the Blue’s resident Elite Council, as well as what it takes to motivate others to his cause—including his lover and future wife, Anya. However, the youthful dissident soon realizes the tremendous cost of such insolence—and the bloody sacrifice that follows! Including the sold out Killians Tide mini-series and the one-shot follow-up to this acclaimed story arc, “Killian’s Vessel,” this is a must-have for any Fathom fan!

FATHOM: KILLIANS TIDE TPB is in stores August 13th, 2014!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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