
Published on April 15th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Aspen Comics Solicitations For July 2013

Aspen Comics sent BF the July 2013 solicitations, to be pre-ordered in the May Diamond Previews.

AllNew_FATHOM-01b_Res-Konat-2x3_1AllNew_FATHOM-01a_Konat-2x3_1ALL NEW FATHOM #1

David Wohl – Story / Alex Konat – Art / Beth Sotelo – Colors

A new direction in the FATHOM Universe begins!

Michael Turner’s best-selling series has reached its milestone 15-year anniversary! However, Aspen Matthews’ adventure under the surface has no plans of slowing down! Following the devastating events of “The Elite Saga”, Aspen Matthews finds herself at a decisive crossroads in her life—with the memories of her past no longer weighing her down, she is finally able to set about building a new life in San Diego once more. But, being the daughter of two worlds is no easy feat—and Aspen will quickly discover the winds of change oftentimes lead directly into the perils of fate! The ALL NEW FATHOM starts right here!

Writer David Wohl, artist Alex Konat and colorist Beth Sotelo team up once again to bring you the latest adventures of Michael Turner’s most beloved creation!

ALL NEW FATHOM #1 is in stores July 24th, 2013!

BubbelGun-02c-Campbell-AspenBubbleGun-02a_Bowden-Aspen BubbleGun-02b_Res_Brooks-AspenBUBBLEGUN #2

Mark Roslan – Story / Mike Bowden – Art / David Curiel – Colors

They like the tech, but live for the high stakes!

When the gang realized the “package” they painstaking retrieved could possibly be the most high-tech performance machine on the planet—and more importantly, a young, kidnapped cyber boy—the weight of their crime quickly comes into focus. Secrets are revealed, alliances shattered, and one of the team could literally never recover her psyche as the stakes have grown far greater than they could have ever imagined!

Creator and writer Mark Roslan, along with penciler Mike Bowden and colorist David Curiel invite you to take part in what’s sure to become Aspen’s next hit sci-fi, action adventure series, BUBBLEGUN!

BUBBLEGUN #2 is in stores July 10th, 2013!

Charismagic_V2-03a_Cucca-AspenCHARISMAGIC #3

Vince Hernandez – Story / Vincenzo Cucca – Art / Emilio Lopez – Colors

Be prepared because everything you thought you knew about magic is about to vanish!

The group reunites at the House of Illusions and finally unlocks the secrets of the mysterious wooden box that nearly cost Hank and Kenny their lives. Yet, the true reveal of its power quickly becomes evident, as the group enters an entirely new realm—one that will take them to new heights beyond their wildest imagination. However, their trail is not hard to follow, especially for Torgan, the magical lion made of fire!

Featuring a returning cast of Charismagic’s favorite characters along with several new and astonishing faces and creatures of magic, this new volume of CHARISMAGIC is a perfect jumping-on point for all!

CHARISMAGIC #3 is in stores July 3rd, 2013!

JIRNI-04abcd-AspenJIRNI #4

JT Krul – Story / Paolo Pantalena – Art / Brett Smith – Colors

Take an incredible JIRNI with Aspen’s newest hit series!

In the wake of her vicious battle with Anjaha, Ara struggles to grasp her mysterious connection to the violent d’jinn. But, the time has come for Ara to face the truth about herself as she finally tracks down her mother along with Torinthal, the sorcerer who captured her! Yet, that is only if she can survive the massive Rock Giants of Migara!

After years of preparation, creator JT Krul is ready to take you on a JIRNI unlike any other! Accompanied by the incredible talents of artist Paolo Pantalena and colorist Brett Smith, this is one JIRNI you won’t want to miss!

JIRNI #4 is in stores July 17th, 2013!

Shrugged-05a_Marks-Aspen Shrugged-05b_Gunnell-AspenSHRUGGED #5

Frank Mastromauro – Story / Jonathan Marks – Art / Beth Sotelo – Colors

The long awaited return of SHRUGGED continues!

As Theo struggles to overcome his perilous journey, Ange and Dev continue to fight against Slive and his nightmarish creatures. However, being completely overrun and outnumbered, their hope for survival grows dim with each passing moment. The end is near, but an unlikely ally may prove to tip the balance of power in their favor!

Created by Michael Turner and Frank Mastromauro, with illustrations by newcomer Jonathan Marks and colors by Beth Sotelo, make sure to listen to the voices inside your head and pick up the newest issue of SHRUGGED today!

SHRUGGED #5 is in stores July 10th, 2013


Vince Hernandez – Writer / Lori Hanson – Art

Introducing Executive Assistant Daisy!

Daisy learns what it’s like to for once live free of the shadows of her menacing—and deadly—father, while living with her savior and lover, Shen. But, the darkness of her past cannot be so easily dismissed, as Franklin’s “employees” manage to track them down, forcing their exodus from the United States. And Daisy’s new home will prove far more shocking than she anticipated, as her life reaches a deadly precipice even Shen may not be able to save her from!

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: ASSASSINS #13 is in stores July 2013!


JT Krul ; Vince Hernandez ; David Wohl – writers / Ken Marion – pencils

The most epic storyline in Fathom’s 15-year history continues!

The battle the Blue have long feared comes to fruition! Aspen Matthews versus Kiani! While Aspen attempts to help Anya find her lost child, their quest has taken them directly into the crosshairs of a fuming Kiani! All bets are off as the Blue’s most powerful woman meets the Blue’s most cunning warrior in this devastatingly pulse-pounding third issue in this summer’s hottest weekly event!

Aspen newcomer Ken Marion is joined by an all-star group of past and present FATHOM writers, all coming together for a FATHOM story 15 years in the making! Plus, fan-favorite artist Talent Caldwell returns with a stunning 5 part interconnecting cover that all leads up to an unbelievable new direction in the All New FATHOM Universe!

FATHOM: THE ELITE SAGA #3 is in stores July 3rd, 2013!


JT Krul ; Vince Hernandez ; David Wohl – writers / Ken Marion – pencils

The ending to the most epic storyline in Fathom’s 15-year history draws near!

The return of one of the most significant Blue citizens to ever live will shatter the fabric of the Fathom Universe as we know it! While Anya will learn that Anika’s fate may be tied to the arrival of this person—which could lead to the baby’s unfortunate demise!

Aspen newcomer Ken Marion is joined by an all-star group of past and present FATHOM writers, all coming together for a FATHOM story 15 years in the making! Plus, fan-favorite artist Talent Caldwell returns with a stunning 5 part interconnecting cover that all leads up to an unbelievable new direction in the All New FATHOM Universe!

FATHOM: THE ELITE SAGA #4 is in stores July 10th, 2013!


Vince Hernandez ; JT Krul ; David Wohl – writers / Ken Marion – pencils

The most epic storyline in Fathom’s 15-year history reaches its finale

The future of the Fathom Universe will be forged as Anya’s quest to reunite with her kidnapped—and extremely powerful—daughter brings her to a place that Aspen Matthews remembers all too well. Here, in the place where it all started, the battle for the baby’s life, as well as their own, will be waged—and no one is certain to survive!

Aspen newcomer Ken Marion is joined by an all-star group of past and present FATHOM writers, all coming together for a FATHOM story 15 years in the making! Plus, fan-favorite artist Talent Caldwell returns with a stunning 5 part interconnecting cover that all leads up to an unbelievable new direction in the All New FATHOM Universe!

FATHOM: THE ELITE SAGA #5 is in stores July 17th, 2013!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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