About Jules-Pierre Malartre

Jules-Pierre Malartre Jules-Pierre Malartre currently resides in Rigaud, Quebec, which is cold enough to save him from big-ass spiders, but as close to The Great White North that he will ever dare go. In 2005, he quit a promising aerospace engineering career to go into freelance copywriting. Since then, he has become considerably poorer, but much happier. When he is not writing technical manuals, newspaper articles or online features, he is busy working on his first novel. His first short story, “The Rest Was Easy,” was published by the online literary magazine Amarillo Bay in 2013.

Author Archives: Jules-Pierre Malartre

TV-Review: Doom Patrol

May 13th, 2019 | by Jules-Pierre Malartre

This bunch of superzeros just might be the best thing that’s ever happened to superheroes on TV. So, another superhero

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