Published on April 4th, 2013 | by Richard Boom
Babelicous: Pandamonia by Vincenzo Cucca
Italian artist Vincenzo Cucca is the Aspen Comics artist for their Charismagic series, as well as for a secret US project that has him finishing up a series originally started by a world-renowned comic book artist (sorry, I’m not at liberty to tell which one).
For the European public, Cucca is already known for his series Hot Charlotte and of course Pandamonia for Lombard Publishing in France. Pandamonia can be described as a mix between Skydoll and Blacksad. Sadly, there were only two issues released ever, with the story barely starting. It nevertheless introduced many to Cucca’s artwork.
You can find more on Cucca via his official site.
Summary: After looking at this thing of beauty from all angles with the eyes of a true connoisseur, this is the score we come up with for this dazzling damsel. Agree? Disagree? Rate her yourself below and leave your comments at the bottom of the page!