..." /> “Breaking Into Comics” Contest: Women of Darby Pop - Comics for Sinners


Published on April 25th, 2016 | by Richard Boom

“Breaking Into Comics” Contest: Women of Darby Pop

Women of Darby Pop_image_3If you are an aspiring comic book writer or artist who has dreamed of working in the comic book industry, then Darby Pop Publishing has the opportunity for you with their second “Breaking Into Comics” contest. Now through May 13, Darby Pop is running a contest (Please hyperlink to http://www.darbypop.com/indestructible/breaking-into-comics-women-of-darby-pop/) to find the best scripts and sample art for an anthology book, Women of Darby Pop, featuring (at least) one female character from Darby Pop’s Indestructible, City: The Mind in the Machine, The 7th Sword, Doberman, Dead Squad, Side-Kicked, Dead Man’s Party, and/or Fake Empire.

Although strictly a script-writing contest, Darby Pop’s first “Breaking Into Comics” contest in 2014 was quite a success. Regarding 2014 contest submissions, Darby Pop’s founder Jeff Kline said, “We were thrilled by how many quality scripts we received. It goes to show that there is untapped talent out there. And they’re willing to put in some real work to get a foot in the door of this industry.” Managing Editor Renae Geerlings elaborated: “It was difficult to choose just one. In fact, there were several scripts that we would have been happy to publish.”

With their second “Breaking Into Comics” contest, Darby Pop is giving both aspiring WRITERS and ARTISTS an opportunity to get a foot in the door of the comic book industry. Since Women of Darby Pop will be an anthology book featuring female characters from the books Darby Pop has published to-date, multiple writers and artists can/will get published. Scripts or sample art must feature (at least) one female character from Darby Pop’s lineup which includes: Stingray, Princess Power, and Gaia from Indestructible; Chloe from City: The Mind in the Machine; Superfecta 5 and Kathleen from The 7th Sword; Angela Garcia from Doberman; Vargas, Ayala Tal, and Dr. Nash from Dead Squad; Atalanta from Side-Kicked; Cynara Veil from Dead Man’s Party; and/or Charli, Lucy, and Jill from Fake Empire.

Assignment: WRITERS will need to submit a 1 to 4-page complete comic book script (including dialogue and panel descriptions) and featuring at least one female character from Darby Pop’s lineup. ARTISTS will need to submit a sample pin-up or sequential page featuring at least one female character from Darby Pop’s lineup, plus 1 or 2 pages of sample sequential comic book art. Once Darby Pop has selected the winning Writers and Artists, they’re going to pair you up. Then, the winning Artists will bring the winning Writers’ scripts to life for the ultimate anthology.

Prizing: If your script or artwork is chosen, it will be published by Darby Pop in their Women of Darby Pop anthology, a double-sized issue, which is scheduled to hit stores in September 2016. Winners will also receive copies of the finished book.

Find out how to submit your script here (Please hyperlink to http://www.darbypop.com/indestructible/breaking-into-comics-women-of-darby-pop/). Deadline is Friday, May 13th.

Check out the Women of Darby Pop Submission Form. Submissions not including signed release form will NOT be read or looked at.

About Darby Pop Publishing
Founder Jeff Kline started Darby Pop Publishing with the goal of using the visual medium of sequential art — aka comic books — to tell all-new stories. As a life-long lover of the form, Jeff convinced a small circle of his movie/tv friends to join him as he “broke into” comics after writing/producing nearly 1000 episodes of television over the past two decades. Three years and 40+ books later, Darby Pop Publishing continues to be a creator-owned labor of love.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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