Browsing the "Contest" Category

WIN: Cyber Spectre #0 Artwork

December 13th, 2017 | by Richard Boom

Scout Comics presents a new cyberpunk-series called CYBER SPECTRE, written by Richard Emms, with pencils by Alé Garza and coloring

WIN: Wonder Woman Price Package

September 15th, 2017 | by Richard Boom

Warner bros. Home Entertainment releases the epic superhero movie Wonder Woman on October 11 on 4K UHD, (3D) Blu-ray, DVD

Winners Of Thor Announced

October 29th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

In conjuration with Disney Holland, Comics For Sinners is able to give you the chance for our Dutch fans to

Win With Disney Infinite

August 29th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

In conjuration with Disney Holland, Comics For Sinners is able to give you the chance for our Dutch fans to

Contest AIX Winners

July 23rd, 2013 | by Richard Boom

APHRODITE IX CONTEST CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS! THE PRIZES GOLD: the TPB and regular issues of the current series, as

Aphrodite IX Contest Time

July 16th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

APHRODITE IX CONTEST Readers got the chance to read APHRODITE IX for free last May 4, as Top Cow debuted

Shahrazad Contest

May 14th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

This week, C4S is holding a Shahrazad contest to celebrate this new amazing Big Dog Ink series, to debut in

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