
Published on December 16th, 2015 | by Kevin Given

Confessions: Kevin Given on Gwen Stacy and Uhura

ST-09-005I’ve been asked to confess my secret desires for comic book characters. Did I lust after any 2 dimensional ink and paper damsels? Hmmm.

I remember growing up my first crush was on Star Trek’s Uhura. I was about 5 years old watching Star Trek and then Gold Key comics came out with their adaptation of the TV show. Nichelle Nichols brought such grace and dignity to the character and I was smitten. Now the character was never portrayed sexually on the show (well, except the “Mirror Mirror” episode showing her mid-rift, and that one scene where she was flirting with Sulu kinda turned me on.) so I don’t think it was a sexual attraction (outside of the aforementioned episode) but I count it because I told my mother I wanted to marry her. So that’s kinda tame.

Action275_18Supergirlfantastic four 27 sub-marinerNow we come to Superman’s cousin. Kara Jor-el, A.K.A. Linda Lee Danvers. (I always thought that it was kinda perverted that Superman’s cousin had the double L initials just like his girl friend,but of course their was also “Lex Luthor” just sayin’) I thought if I ever needed rescuing that I would rather have a pretty blonde woman arrive to save the day. Does that make me a pussy? Wanting to be rescued by a pretty blonde instead of rescuing the pretty blonde myself? Kind of a reversal of the “Polly Pure Bred” scenario. Instead of “Where oh Where has my Underdog gone, where oh where can he be.” I guess mine would have been “Where oh where has my supergirl gone?” but anyway that and Sue Storm from the “Fantastic 4” were the first times I felt arousal from comic book characters. I think I must have had a bad boy attitude in those days because I always wanted the Sub-Mariner to wind up with Sue.

gwen_bikinThen we come to Gwen Stacy. Beautiful, blonde, and with an incredibly sweet attitude. Much more attractive to me than that smart ass Mary Jane Watson, The first time I ever “pleasured myself” with a comic book in hand was when Gwen Stacy was in a bikini!

When I began to show interest in girls at school, I looked for a Gwen Stacy type. Spiderman was my favorite comic book during the Gwen Stacy period.

Death_of_Gwen_StacyThen came the unthinkable. Marvel killed off my girlfriend. I was so upset that I almost stopped reading comic books altogether. How dare those monsters kill off my girlfriend. I was not happy.


However I did come across some nude pictures of Nichell Nichols right about that time, so life has a tendancy to move in circles.


Oh, I gotta run, headed to the bathroom with some Star Trek comics…

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About the Author

Kevin Given has studied with "Longridge Writers Group" and "Writer's Boot Camp" a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the "Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter" franchise which includes 2 novels and 8 comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of "Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter" #1 and "Files of Karl Vincent" #1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series "Dracula Rising" (working title) and developing "Foul Blood" into comic book form.

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