
Published on September 5th, 2018 | by Richard Boom


Extended Preview: Newbury & Hobbes #1: Steampunk Adventure

Titan Comics has provided C4S with a preview to Newbury & Hobbes #1– a brand-new steampunk adventure from writer George Mann (Dark Souls, Doctor Who, Warhammer 40,000), who brings his series of steampunk mystery novels to comics to celebrate its 10th Anniversary in 2018, preceding the novel-release of The Revenant Express next year!

The Newbury & Hobbes novel series follows special agents Sir Maurice Newbury and Miss Victoria Hobbes as they traverse the menacing lands of Victorian England, solving extraordinary crimes.


In celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the Newbury & Hobbes novels, Titan Comics are publishing installments of a brand-new Newbury & Hobbes prose short story, written by George Mann, in each issue of the new comic series. This new comic series also features the shocking return of Dr. Aubrey Knox – the rogue agent and occultist – who was left for dead in the final pages of The Osiris Ritual, back in 2009.


“I’m delighted to be bringing Newbury & Hobbes to comics, and even more excited to be working with the excellent Dan Boultwood and the team at Titan Comics, who have worked wonders in bringing their world and its people to life,” said series creator George Mann, “It seems particularly apt that on their 10th anniversary, Newbury and Veronica are about to embark on a brand new adventure, filled with creeping horrors, eerie mysteries, terrifying chases and the sinister return of one of the most dangerous villains they’ve ever encountered, from The Osiris Ritual, Dr. Aubrey Knox…”


“Monsters, foggy old London town, steam-powered vehicles, masked subterfuge, fine suits and ladies bustles, all the things I love to draw are in Newbury & Hobbes,” said series artist Dan Boultwood. “This book has been a lot of fun to work on. As a fan of the novels I’ve loved being able to be a part of bringing one of their stories to visual life, and it’s a great story!”


Newbury & Hobbes #1 hits stores September 12, 2018 and features three covers including variant covers by series artist Dan Boultwood (It Came), Chris Wildgoose (Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale, Batgirl) and Arianna Florean (Assassin’s Creed, Star Trek: Spock: Reflections).


Fans and retailers can pre-order and re-order their copies of Newbury & Hobbes #1 from the July edition of Diamond PREVIEWS.


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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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