- Are you a sexist pig?
- Ask my wife! But seriously: I run this site for a reason. I love strong female characters in leading roles as well as their portrayal via great artists. I am a fan and friend of several cosplayers and both respect and stimulate their presence at conventions I attend. Of course I do this for a personal gain or feeling, since I do like their friendship and presence. I am a mere human and one from those heterosexual male species even, but I truly believe I am doing no harm nor have I ever been told I was doing harm. Regarding running the website, I can say it is a mix of my love for networking in the comic industry, helping out the more Indy titles comic book readers might miss out on as well as my personal preference, being that I love to read about ‘strong female characters in leading roles’ and admire the visual aspect combined with graphic designs you can only seem to find in comics (MPOV). More on this: here and here.
- But you post about cosplayers and advocate big breasts?
- I do post (amazing) pics (and much more, btw!) and talk about that. This does not mean I intend to do harm. Nor do I advocate big breasts in comics. That would be silly, really. I do advocate strong female characters in comics and would even love for them to not get put in the fridge. And like I say “we just love to watch…” which means NOT “we like to belittle them, scold them, badmouth or douchbag-y all over them”… Perhaps you can find an article on C4S which sounds demeaning when taken out of context, but personally ‘respect’ and ‘fun’ make for 95% of all the reasons I put so much free time in this endeavour.
- What do you read yourself?
- The usual suspects like Fathom, Cavewoman, Vampirella, Hack/Slash, Terry Moore (SiP, Echo, Rachel) stuff but also Rocketeer, Fables, TWD, Blacksad, Invincible, The Dark Tower, Hip Flask & Elephantmen and the occasional Marvel (Spidey, X, Hulk) and Ultimate Marvel.
Pre-orders in 2015: Vampirella, John Carter & Dejah Thoris, Elephantmen, IXth Generation, Tarot Witch of the Black Rose, Dawn/Vampirella, Rogues! (Amigo Comics), Spawn Resurrection, Fathom.
– TPB’s in 2015: Invincible, Fables/Fairest, The Walking Dead, Ultimate Universe, Rat Queens, Sunstone, Ravine…
– Pre-orders in 2014: Vampirella, John Carter & Dejah Thoris, Elephantmen, IXth Generation, Tarot Witch of the Black Rose, Dawn/Vampirella, Rogues! (Amigo Comics), Jirni (Aspen), Wonderland (Zenescope), Aphrodite IX (Top Cow),
– TPB’s in 2014: Invincible, Fables/Fairest, The Walking Dead, Ultimate Universe, Afterlife With Archie, Doc Frankenstein, Sunstone, Death Vigil, Clone, Danger Girl, Spider-Island, Savage Wolverine, Age Of Ultron, Ex Machina, Marvel Zomnibus, Darkness, Locke & Key, Batman Noir…
- Can I write for the site?
- Of course. If you are interested in writing for C4S, reviews, interviews or a guest-feature, do let Richard know via boom@comicsforsinners.com
- How can I contribute to the site?
- Well: sharing stories on Social Media, writing a Confession, joining the C4S-staff with interviews/press releases/reviews, advertising or a contribution via Paypal is all very helpful.
- Can I advertise, affiliate or swap banners?
- Contact me and we can work something out.
- Do you make money with this site?
- Paypal me and I can say yes!