Given to Me – Tampa Comicon 2016
I would like to take a little break from talking about the production of my movie this week and discuss the Tampa bay Comicon which I attended last week.
A good time was had by all! Tampa Comicon 2016 was a rousing success! I got to see lots of cleavage! I just wish that some of the lady’s present would have shown cleavage too! Oh well we can’t have everything in this day and age. The celebrities that were present for photo-ops, panel discussions and autographs were Norman Reedus, Ian McDiarmid, Ray Park, Charlie Cox, Jon Bernthal, Sean Astin and many more. The place was packed and the geeks were eating up all of the events and panel discussions. I, however wasn’t there for any of that. I was looking for some amateur comic book creators, especially artists, I, after all, discovered Melissa Erwin, who did my Files of Karl Vincent #2, at Pittsburgh Comicon, maybe I could discover the next Melissa Erwin here.
I found several good independent comic book creators. The High light came with Jeff Kaufman of Big City Comics Studio. He was an attorney so he could afford to hire some big name talent for his books that also worked for Marvel and DC comics. He had many titles that he was proud of but the one that interested me, having produced my own vampire comic book in Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter, was a title called Gabriel Tempest. This character was the son of Vlad Tepes and my arch-nemesis was the brother of Vlad Tepes (Dracula.) So I took a chance and bought this graphic novel for ten bucks, I’m glad I did. Interestingly, Jeff said he almost didn’t finish this story, he was urged on by his artist to complete it. It’s a great title and I’m going to review it soon.
The next comic book I want to talk about is from creators Lucas Munson (W) and Koolasheck (A) it’s called the Brisingamen and deals with the all-father Odin of Norse mythology in his early days when he was still human. I haven’t read it yet but the art work looks cool as heck (I know, I know.) and I will definitely review this one in a few weeks as well.
And the final one I want to discuss is Rancor from the creative team of Bohdan Neswiacheny and LauraCaskey. This is a spectre meets Spawn meets the Crow type of concept. The cover to issue zero is bad ass and it looks interesting but again I haven’t read it yet (I only bought about 4 0r 500 comic books last weekend, lol) but it looks interesting enough to check out so I’ll probably review it in a few weeks as well.
Well that was my experience at Tampa Bay Comicon 2016. I will let everyone know in my column if I will labor with any of these comic geeks or not. Next week I’ll get back to talking about the production of Last Rites: The Return of Sebastian Vasilis and what’s coming up next. Look for the first trailer soon in this column. Until next week, see ya!