HARLEY QUINN Lootcrate Book Will Be Reprinted - Comics for Sinners


Published on April 22nd, 2016 | by Richard Boom

HARLEY QUINN Lootcrate Book Will Be Reprinted

harly_lootFor everyone that couldn’t get the HARLEY QUINN Lootcrate book this must be great to hear as it is being printed in the next Hardcover Collection you can pre-order right now via your regular Local Comic Book Dealer!



At last, Harley Quinn and The Joker come face-to-face in these stories from issues #22-25! Harley’s got an endangered friend to save, but there’s just one problem: she’s got to get through Arkham Asylum first! Unsurprisingly, Harley’s not eager to set foot in the site of some of her darkest hours…and she definitely isn’t ready to face a certain someone who’s laughing at the end of a dark hallway. The life of Harley’s new love, Mason Macabre, is in The Joker’s hands…but can he or Harley survive another round of The Joker’s twisted mind games?

Plus: for the first time in book form, it’s the story previously available only to Loot Crate subscribers! In this story featuring art by Amanda Conner, Harley finds a genie in a bottle—and redefines the phrase “be careful what you wish for”!

On sale SEPTEMBER 14 • 144 pg, FC, $24.99 US

DO you have no idea about the Lootcrate comic? News-site Bleeding Cool (image courtesy as well) wrote this about it, when interviewing the one and only Jimmy Palmiotti:

Jimmy Palmiotti: When the opportunity to work with Loot Crate came about, the idea we all had in mind was to create a fun, off-the-wall, brand new Harley Quinn one shot that was easy to follow and offered up a fun story that both fans and totally new readers would enjoy, showcasing the fantastic work of Amanda, Chad Hardin, Paul Mounts and John J Hill. At first it was intimidating, knowing that this single book would get into the hands of so many people, but I think this forced the team to try even harder to make this issue a major standout and have elements that showcased what we‘ve been doing for the past few years on the series without alienating a single new reader. It’s always a delicate balance, but we were up for the challenge and I think the book came together beautifully.

JP: Amanda Conner and I wrote the issue, with the bulk of the art done by Amanda, and a few pages featuring classic Harley, Joker and Batman by series regular Chad Hardin and Alex Sinclair. All of the color was by the amazing Paul Mounts with the talented John J Hill on lettering. This book features the “ A” team on the regular series on this one shot, and although it stands alone, it also fits into continuity introducing a new character to the Harley Universe.



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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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