
Published on March 14th, 2016 | by Richard Boom

Heavy Metal #279 Features darker “Death Themed” Tales

heavymetal279_1Heavy Metal releases preview of issue #279 featuring darker “Death Themed” tales of science fiction and the apocalypse with three covers by Mike Mitchell & Aaron Horkey, Jeff Dekal and an exclusive “Gene Kong” edition by fan favorite Pepe Moreno

March 11th, 2016 – Northampton MA- Heavy Metal Magazine announces the preview for issue #279, the February “Death Theme” issue has all new tales from writers and artists from all over the world. Heavy Metal #279 will be available in comic stores and newsstands on March 9th, 2016.

heavymetal279_7Ryan Ferrier and Hugo Petrus bring us “Children of Russia” where a dying man has some dire confessions to tell to a priest, who tries to tell him that all will be well in the after life, but this priest knows not what lurks inside this dying man. Then we travel to a futuristic world of robots where two mechanical friends get caught up in a dirty deal, by Diego Agrimbau and Juan Manual Tumburus. Steve Mannion’s Fearless Dawn returns in a twisted dream-like tale entitled “Morf”. Pepe Moreno’s subway vigilante “Gene Kong” (Part 2 of 2), returns to finish off what he started and deal a death blow to NYC’s depraved underbelly. “Masters of Emptiness” takes us to a dystopian slave city where workbots are forced to work to the death on and travelling Pangea type island, by Heavy Metal veteran Zeljko Pahek. In “The Antidote”, we are thrown into a post-chemical holocaust where a trio of shell-shocked tank operators are on a desperate search for a disease that is quickly killing them, by Frank Forte and Jethro Morales. “Die and Let Live” drops us directly into the zombie apocalypse where a small family is just trying to survive, by Aragon and Delpeche. Also features part 6 of Enki Bilal’s Julia & Roem and part 7 of The 49th Key by Erika Lewis and J.K. Woodard. Artist gallery features pop surrealist Mike Mitchell.

Heavy Metal #279 features three covers. The newsstand/comic shop cover by Mike Mitchell & Aaron Horkey, the subscriber/comic shop cover by Jeff Dekal and the special “Gene Kong” cover by fan favorite Pepe Moreno, available exclusively at Heavy

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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