Inkwell Awards Adds New Special Ambassadors: Mark Sinnott and Joe Prado
The Inkwell Awards, a 501(c)(3) non-profit advocacy group, elected artists Mark Sinnott and Joe Prado as new Special Ambassadors to help further the group’s mission of public promotion, education and recognition of the art form of inking and ink artists in the US comic book industry.
Mark Sinnott is the son of legendary Marvel Comics artist and inker Joe Sinnott. He is his late father’s historian, librarian, and former liaison. Also an artist, the younger Sinnott has been published in several alternative press titles and at times filled in for his father, inking various panels on the Spider-Man Sunday syndicated comic strip. Sinnott has been an Inkwell Awards Senior Contributor since 2008 and was awarded an Above & Beyond Award in 2018 for his service as a liaison.
Inkwell Awards founder and director Bob Almond said, “While Joe Sinnott had his fans of his prodigious output of ubiquitous work, few knew about Mark’s life and career. When Joe passed away in June of 2020, I spoke to Mark and he expressed interest in carrying on his father’s legacy by continuing his association with the Inkwells and their mission, something his dad sincerely and proudly supported.”
Sinnott commented:
“The Inkwell Awards is a great organization, one that is dedicated to recognize the best inkers and to promote and educate regarding the art form of comic-book inking…I was fortunate enough to see my dad work first hand for so many years, embellishing countless pages of pencils over many different artists…The big thrill for me was to be able to ink my dad’s pencil work in some of the Inkwell Awards Inking Challenges. I know that Joe was very proud to see members of his family participate in this endeavor. He also looked forward to receiving the completed pages that arrived from various inkers. It was quite interesting for Joe to see the different interpretations of his pencil work. It was something that he truly enjoyed seeing in his later years.”
Joe Prado began his career back in the early 1990s as a comic-book artist and illustrator in the Brazilian market. During that time he produced hundreds of fantasy, horror, superhero and science fiction illustrations and comics for myriad publishers, books and magazines. In 2004 he started producing comics for the US market.
His credits include Action Comics, Justice League and other major titles from DC as well as other publishers. In 2009, he began his current partnership with artist Ivan Reis and collaborations with writer/TV and film producer Geoff Johns on several high-profile comics. For the past two years, Joe has inked Ivan Reis on the Superman relaunch. Prado has also been Co-Owner/Talent Manager of Chiaroscuro Studios, representing dozens of comic-book artists, since 2002. He has received two Inkwell Awards, “Favorite Inker” in 2016 and “Props – Talent deserving of more attention” in 2018.
From his home in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Prado said:
“First off, I can’t express how honored I feel being considered for something like this. And having the possibility to spread the consciousness about the inker’s role on comics is something priceless to me. I’ve always been a fan and a collector, besides being a professional, and that remains til this day…When my grandfather introduced me to [work by] Hal Foster, Alex Raymond and Milton Caniff, it changed how I perceived the medium and I was hooked for life. I decided that I was going to work in comics and would study the hell out of them.”
Bob Almond added, “The Brazilian contingent has been quite active in the USA since artists Mike Deodato, Jr. and his studio hit it big at Marvel and DC in the ’90s. So, having Joe proudly represent that pool of contemporary and popular inking talent is a fortunate coup for us. Joe also brings his contagious passion and enthusiasm to the team and anyone who listens to him; he is compelled to try to help us in every way.”
Since the Inkwell organization was formed in 2008, the roster of Ambassadors has included (in chronological order) Adam Hughes, Mark Brooks, Sal Velluto, Cully Hamner, Eric Basuldua, Phil Jimenez, Jim Shooter and Brian Pulido, along with the late Joe Kubert and Rich Buckler. The more-involved Special Ambassadors include (besides the late Joe Sinnott) J. David Spurlock, Mike McKone, Clifford Meth, Aldrin Aw, aka “Buzz”, Dan Parsons, Rags Morales, Jim Starlin and Laura Martin. (Ambassadors are not always ink artists and are chosen from all creative landscapes in order to show industry solidarity.)