Inkwell Awards

Published on November 25th, 2022 | by Richard Boom


Inkwell Awards opens submissions for 2022

The non-profit Inkwell Awards is requesting professional submissions for its annual recognition event. Submissions are open for ink-work samples of two to four interior pages (no covers or pinups) of any US-published and printed comic-book. Webcomics are permitted as long as they have also been printed. Inks may be either traditional or digital (as long as done by hand and not by software). 

Artists much choose one or more of the following categories for each submission:

1. Favorite Inker:favorite ink artist over the pencils of another artist. (Cannot be nominated for the “Props” category.)

2. Most-adaptable:showing exceptional ink style versatility over other pencil artists (Minimum two pages per penciller, up to six.)

3. Props award:ink artist deserving of more attention for their work over other pencillers.

4. The S.P.A.M.I:for favorite Small Press And Mainstream-Independent comic book ink work over another pencil artist or themselves (Non-Marvel or DC).

5. All-in-one award:for favorite artist inking his/her own pencils.

Submissions must be from comics cover-dated 2022 and sent to to be received no later than January 15, 2023.

“As the only non-profit organization devoted to public education and promotion of the art of comic book inking, we want the process to be open and fair,” said Bob Almond, founder, and director of the only The Inkwell Awards. “While our volunteer nomination committee (the ‘NomCom’) can still submit their choices, they just can’t see all the wonderful work during the year from all publishers large and small. Submissions help both voters and artists to hopefully make the process easier and fairer. It’s up to the artists to be recognized for their talent, skill and hard work.”

The Inkwell Awards requires all submissions to meet certain rules and guidelines, which can be found on their website and Facebook page, or by emailing them at the above address, which may also be used for questions. 


About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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