X-W..." /> Manara’s X-Women ánd all Marvel Coverart @ Dark Dragon Books - Comics for Sinners


Published on April 16th, 2019 | by Richard Boom


Manara’s X-Women ánd all Marvel Coverart @ Dark Dragon Books

Dutch publisher Dark Dragon Books has chosen the one-shot “X-Women” that Milo Manara drew in 2010 via a Chris “The Dark Phoenix Saga” Claremont story. Claremont came up with a story in which only female members of the super hero league X-Men would partake: Storm, Psylocke, Shadowcat, Marvel Girl and Rogue. All ladies -except Storm- were developed during Claremont’s Marvel-years, by the way.

The Dutch translation appears later this year as a hardcover edition. What is unique and world-premiering is that Dutch publisher Dark Dragon Books is the first to collect all the covers that Manara drew for various Marvel series, making this a must-have for any Manara-art-lover.

With Manara’s cover for the then-new Spider-Woman (by Greg Land and Dennis Hopeless) series, he received a lot of criticism in 2014, but he countered it with an explanation and even a gift (for his battle against censureship) to Frank Cho depicting the backside of said image. And Cosplayer Ivette even proved the haters wrong.

We at C4S had a Babelicious-feature in that period, so do check that out 🙂

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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