Inkwell Awards

Published on March 3rd, 2023 | by Richard Boom


Mary-Jane and Peter are Swinging the Inks with Inkwell Awards’ Inking Challenge

The non-profit Inkwell Awards, devoted to promoting the art of comic book inkingannounced in December its second Joe Sinnott Tribute Challenge Spotlight, renamed the Legacy Challenge, featuring Marvel’s Spider-Man and Mary Jane by artist Alex Saviuk. 

he event was launched in 2021 to commemorate the life and long career of the late, award-winning ink artist Joe Sinnott, and the prior annual inking event that had borne his name since 2010. The previous Challenge featured Sinnott’s oft-partner Ron Frenz on Thor. This year, artist Alex Saviuk‘s exclusive pencil art was scanned and sent to a variety of ink artists to embellish. Saviuk and Sinnott were art partners on the Amazing Spider-Man Sunday comic strip with writer/co-creator Stan Lee from the 1990s until the strip’s end in 2019. Saviuk’s Challenge pinup includes The Web of Spider-Man logo to celebrate his six-year stint as penciller on that title.

For over two months, artists volunteered to participate by inking the blueline pencils printed on board with the option of using the clean, slick line for which Sinnott was known, or in their own way to showcase how much the ink artist can contribute stylistically. Both professionals and amateurs were allowed to take part. 

As in past years, Sinnott’s son Mark and daughter-in-law also contributed. Artists include relative newcomers and legendary veterans, from mainstream professionals to small press/indie pros. And ink artists new to the Challenges include Dan Panosian, Romeo Tanghal, Bob Smith, Sergio Cariello and Jason Metcalf among others. In alphabetical order, the participants are:

Gerry Acerno
Jeff Austin
Mike Barreiro
Noah Barrett
Steven Berry
Ken Branch
Eliot R. Brown
Sergio Cariello

Kevin Conrad
Marc Deering

Guy Dorian Sr.

Ed Eargle
David Fox

Rusty Gilligan
Jeff Graham
Don Ho
Michael W. Kellar
Scott Koblish

John Livesay
Enrique Lopez
J.E. Lozano
Criss Madd
Pablo Marcos

Jose Marzan Jr.
Mark McKenna

Jason Metcalf 
Chuck Morgan
Victor Moya

Ed Murr
Joe Orsak
Dan Panosian

Steven Pennella
Mark Pennington 
Norm Rapmund

Luis Rivera
Vince Rodriquez 
Marc Rubino

Matt Santorelli
Tom Schloendorn 
Mark Sinnott
Belinda Sinnott

Bob Smith
Mark Stegbauer
J.L. Straw
Romeo Tanghal
Jim Tournas
LeBeau Underwood
Larry Welch
Keith Williams 

The Legacy tribute event furthers the inking advocacy’s dual mission of promoting the artform and educating the public. Each inked page will be signed by Saviuk and the inker. All pages, plus a certificate of authenticity signed by The Inkwells’ founder/director, Bob Almond, will be auctioned off as an eBay fundraiser in biweekly waves beginning Saturday February 24.

Information about the upcoming fundraising auctions can be found on the Inkwell’s website and Facebook group.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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