Mercy Sparx’s Youth Told In Year One FCBD 2016
We’re excited to finally announce that Devil’s Due will be returning to Free Comic Book Day in 2016 with FCBD Mix Tape 2016 for all to read for FREE. The collection of shorts includes a peek into Mercy Sparx’s youth from the upcoming Year One story, and an all new and SQUARRIORS short story featuring never before seen characters. From 1First Comics, Mix Tape 2016 features a battle between Badger and everyone’s favorite world leader as well as a Public Relations short on dealing with a PR disaster that involves, of all things, some hungry underfed dragons.
Mercy Sparx KS Funded…Stretch Goals To Come
Josh Blaylock and Matt Merhoff’s Mercy Sparx Omnibus: 1 Kickstarter met its funding goal with 22 days left to go. You know what that means — STRETCH GOALS and BONUS REWARDS. Right now, Blaylock is cooking up some exclusive Mercy Sparx stretch goals and bonus rewards for you guys. Stay tuned to stay in on the loop on the upcoming goodies. But, for now, you can still pledge for Mercy Sparx Omnibus: 1 that comes with an exclusive book plate signed by Josh Blaylock, Matt Merhoff, and Greg & Fake, CGC Graded Mercy Sparx #8, Mercy Sparx #1 Sketch Covers, and more!