New Book on Matt Fraction’s CASANOVA from Sequart
Sequart Organization is proud to announce the release of The Future of Comics, the Future of Men: Matt Fraction’s Casanova, authored by Geoff Klock (How to Read Superhero Comics and Why).
Matt Fraction, Gabriel Bá, and Fábio Moon’s Casanova is a stylish adventure about a sexy, amoral, universe-hopping, time-traveling spy caught in a war between the militaristic E.M.P.I.R.E. and the decadent and villainous W.A.S.T.E. (led by a bandaged, cackling madman in sunglasses).
The Future of Comics, The Future of Men argues that beneath its pop surface, Casanova is doing more. It challenges the corporate driven comic book production model, in which Disney and Time Warner own all the major superheroes. And it critiques the limited and damaging vision of masculinity that informs so much of modern superhero comics and movies.
With the recent debut of Casanova: Acedia, now is the perfect time to explore the depth of Casanova.
The Future of Comics, The Future of Men features a striking cover by none other than Casanova artist Fábio Moon! It runs 136 pages and is available in print and on Kindle.
About the Publisher: Sequart Organization is devoted to the study of popular culture and the promotion of comic books as a legitimate art form. Sequart has released twenty books, six documentaries, and thousands of online articles. Its documentaries include She Makes Comics, and its books include Minutes to Midnight: Twelve Essays on Watchmen. Sequart is currently producing a documentary on writing powerhouse Neil Gaiman.