C4S will let you know about the new comics coming..." /> New Comics Wednesday December 18, 2013 - Comics for Sinners


Published on December 17th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

New Comics Wednesday December 18, 2013

Each week C4S will let you know about the new comics coming out, and we will make it easy for you… just look at the images and/or the colors!

Star Trek Stellar Cartography The Starfleet Reference Library Deluxe HC, $79.99

Sugar Booger #1 (Of 3)(not verified by Diamond), $5.95

8-Bit Zombies #1 (One Shot), $3.99
Very Zombie Christmas #5, $3.99

Steam Engines Of Oz Volume 2 The Geared Leviathan #1, $3.99

Hawken Melee #2 (Of 5), $3.99

World Of Archie Double Digest #34, $3.99

TrishOutOfWater-03a_Cafaro-AspenTrish Out Of Water #3 (Cover A Giuseppe Cafaro), $3.99
Trish Out Of Water #3 (Cover B Eric Basaldua), $3.99

Crossed Badlands #43 (Gabriel Andrade Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #43 (Jacen Burrows Red Crossed Incentive Cover), AR
Crossed Badlands #43 (Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #43 (Jacen Burrows Torture Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade #4 (Of 11)(Raulo Caceres Bloodwashed Incentive Cover), AR
Extinction Parade #4 (Of 11)(Raulo Caceres End Of A Species Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade #4 (Of 11)(Raulo Caceres Regular Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade #4 (Of 11)(Raulo Caceres Wraparound Cover), $3.99

Warhammer Bane Of Malekith HC, $24.99

Knightingail Shadow Divisions #6Knightingail Shadow Divisions #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Nathan Seals), $3.99
Knightingail Shadow Divisions #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Mel Joy San Juan), $3.99
Rex Zombie Killer #2 (Of 4), $3.50
Serusis #4 (Of 5), $3.50

Sergio Aragones Funnies #11, $3.50
Simpsons Comics #207, $2.99
Wonderful World Of Lisa Simpson #1, $3.99

Adventure Time #23 (Cover A Mike Holmes) , $3.99
Adventure Time #23 (Cover B Seo Kim) , $3.99
Adventure Time #23 (Cover C Genevieve Farley-Tremblay) , AR
Adventure Time #23 (Cover D Bryan Turner), AR
Bravest Warriors #15 (Cover A Tyson Hesse) , $3.99
Bravest Warriors #15 (Cover B Kali Fontecchio) , $3.99
Bravest Warriors #15 (Cover C Laura Knetzger), AR
Bravest Warriors #15 (Cover D Andrew Greenstone), AR
Clive Barker’s Hellraiser The Dark Watch #11 (Cover A Lorena Carvalho), $3.99
Clive Barker’s Next Testament #6 (Of 12)(Cover A Goni Montes), $3.99
Hit #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Ryan Sook), $3.99
Imagine Agents #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Khary Randolph), $3.99
Imagine Agents #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Felipe Smith), AR
Midas Flesh #1 (Of 8)(Cover A John Keogh) , $3.99
Midas Flesh #1 (Of 8)(Cover B Emily Partridge) , $3.99
Midas Flesh #1 (Of 8)(Cover C Noelle Stevenson), AR
Midas Flesh #1 (Of 8)(Cover D Ryan North Signed Writer’s Edition), AR
Peanuts #14 (Cover A Charles M. Schulz), $3.99
Six-Gun Gorilla #1 (Of 6)(Jeff Stokely SDCC Variant Cover), $9.99

Largo Winch Volume 8 Shadow GN, $11.95

Comic Shop News #1383, AR

Red Ten #5 (Of 10)(Cover A Charles Paul Wilson III), $3.99
Red Ten #5 (Of 10)(Cover B Joe Mulvey), AR
Scam #4 (Finale), $3.99

Empowered Volume 8B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth #114, $3.50
Bloodhound Crowbar Medicine #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Buzzkill #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Captain Midnight #6, $2.99
Conan The Barbarian #23, $3.50
Criminal Macabre The Eyes Of Frankenstein #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Dark Horse Presents #31, $7.99
Domo Japanese Mug, $12.99
Empowered Volume 8 TP, $16.99
Ghost #1 (Paolo Rivera Variant Cover), AR
Ghost #1Ghost #1 (Terry Dodson Regular Cover), $2.99
Itty Bitty Hellboy #5 (Of 5), $2.99
Kiss Me Satan #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Mass Effect Foundation #6, $3.99
Massive #18, $3.50
Massive Volume 2 Subcontinental TP, $19.99
Neon Genesis Evangelion The Shinji Ikari Raising Project Volume 13 TP, $9.99
Never Ending #2 (Of 3), $3.99
Powers Figure Set, $24.99
S.H.O.O.T. First #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Savage Sword Of Conan Volume 15 TP, $19.99
Sledgehammer 44 Lightning War #2 (Of 3), $3.50
Star Wars Dark Times A Spark Remains #5 (Of 5), $3.50
Star Wars Darth Vader And The Cry Of Shadows #1 (Of 5), $3.50
Star Wars Dawn Of The Jedi Force War #2 (Of 5), $3.50
Star Wars Legacy II #10, $2.99
Strain The Fall #6, $3.99

Animal Man #26 , $2.99
Authority Volume 2 HC, $34.99
Batman ’66 #6 (Jonathan Case Variant Cover), AR
Batman ’66 #6 (Michael Allred Regular Cover), $3.99
Batman And Two-Face #26 , $2.99
Birds Of Prey #26Batman Beyond Universe #5 , $3.99
Birds Of Prey #26 , $2.99
Birds Of Prey Volume 3 A Clash Of Daggers TP, $14.99
DC Comics Bombshells Harley Quinn Statue , $124.95
DC Comics The New 52 Justice League Shazam Action Figure, $24.95
Fables Volume 19 Snow White TP, $16.99
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #3 (Of 6)(Declan Shalvey Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #3 (Of 6)(Declan Shalvey Regular Cover), $2.99
Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Man Volume 3 Takeover TP, $16.99
Green Lantern New Guardians #26 (Brad Walker & Drew Hennessy Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern New Guardians #26 (Brad Walker & Drew Hennessy Regular Cover), $2.99
Harley-Quinn-0-cover-reviseHarley Quinn #1 (Adam Hughes Variant Cover), AR
Harley Quinn #1 (Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $2.99
Infinite Crisis Arcane Green Lantern Statue, $124.95
Infinite Crisis Atomic Wonder Woman Statue , $124.95
Justice League Of America’s Vibe #10 , $2.99
MAD Magazine #525 (not verified by Diamond), $5.99
Red Hood And The Outlaws #26 , $2.99
Showcase Presents Strange Adventures Volume 2 TP (resolicited), $19.99
Supergirl #26 , $2.99
Superman Vs Mongul TP, $14.99
Teen Titans Go #1 , $2.99
Teen Titans Volume 3 Death Of The Family TP, $14.99
Trinity Of Sin Pandora #6 , $2.99
Vertigo Essentials 100 Bullets #1 , $1.00
Wake Part One #1 , $9.99
Wonder Woman #26 (Cliff Chiang Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Wonder Woman #26 (Cliff Chiang Regular Cover), $2.99

ArtOfDejah_Page_CoverArt Of Dejah Thoris And The Worlds Of Mars HC, $39.99
Ash And The Army Of Darkness #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Codename Action #4 (Of 6)(Art Baltazar Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Codename Action #4 (Of 6)(Jae Lee Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Codename Action #4 (Of 6)(Jae Lee Regular Cover), $3.99
Codename Action #4 (Of 6)(Jonathan Lau Regular Cover), $3.99
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #6 (Of 12)(Jay Anacleto Risque Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #6 (Of 12)(Walter Geovanni Black & White Risque Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #9 (Of 12)(Carlos Rafael Red Risque Variant Cover), AR
DejahGreenMen09-Covs-AnacletoDejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #9 (Of 12)(Carlos Rafael Risque Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #9 (Of 12)(Jay Anacleto Regular Cover), $3.99
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #9 (Of 12)(Jay Anacleto Risque Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #9 (Of 12)(Jay Anacleto Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Evil Ernie Volume 1 Origin Of Evil TP, $19.99
Garth Ennis’ Battlefields Volume 8 The Rise And Fall Of Anna Kharkova TP, $16.99
Grimm #8 (Lucio Parrillo Regular Cover), $3.99
Grimm #8 (Photo Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Jennifer Blood First Blood TP, $19.99
Kings Watch #1 (Of 5)(Marc Laming Flash Gordon Sketch Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Kings Watch #1 (Of 5)(Marc Laming Mandrake Sketch Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Kings Watch #1 (Of 5)(Marc Laming Phantom Sketch Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Rawhide03-Cov-LinsnerLady Rawhide #3 (Of 5)(Joseph Michael Linser Regular Cover), $3.99
Lady Rawhide #3 (Of 5)(Joseph Michael Linser Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Legends Of Red Sonja #1 (Of 5)(Reorder Variant Cover), $3.99
Mark Waid’s The Green Hornet #7 (Reorder Variant Cover), $3.99
Mark Waid’s The Green Hornet #8 (Jonathan Lau Subcription Variant Cover), $3.99
Mark Waid’s The Green Hornet #8 (Paola Rivera Regular Cover), $3.99
Red Sonja #3 (Jenny Frison Red Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Red Sonja #6 (Cover A Jenny Frison), $3.99
Red Sonja #6 (Cover B Jill Thompson), $3.99
Red Sonja #6 (Jenny Frison Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja #6 (Jenny Frison Red Variant Cover), AR
RSv2-06-Cov-FrisonRed Sonja #6 (Jill Thompson Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja #6 (Stephanie Buscema Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #3 (Of 5)(Alex Ross Sketch Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #3 (Of 5)(John Cassaday Black & White Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Spider #16 (Colton Worley Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #34 (Fabiano Neves Black & White Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Vampirella #37 (Fabiano Neves Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella #37 (Lucio Parrillo Regular Cover), $3.99
Vampirella Archives Volume 8 HC, $49.99
Vampirella Southern Gothic #2 (Of 5)(Johnny Desjardins Black & White Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Vampi37-cov-ParrilloVampirella Southern Gothic #2 (Of 5)Johnny Desjardins Red Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Voltron Volume 2 Ten Lions TP, $19.99
Warlord Of Mars #30 (Jose Malaga Red Risque Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $18.99
Warlord Of Mars #31 (Carlos Rafael Black & White Risque Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #31 (Carlos Rafael Risque Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars #31 (Joe Jusko Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars #31 (Lucio Parrillo Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars #31 (Wagner Reis Risque Variant Cover), AR
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #29 (Walter Geovani Black & White Risque Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Warriors Jailbreak TP, $16.99

Complete Peanuts Volume 5 1959-1960 HC (New Printing), $29.99

Guillermo Del Toro Cabinet Of Curiosities Limited Edition HC, AR

Buck Rogers In The 25th Century The Gray Morrow Years Volume 1 1979-1981 HC, $49.99

Juxtapoz #156 (January 2014), $5.99

Diabolique #18, $9.98

Ben 10 #2 (Cover A Gordon Purcell), $3.99
Ben 10 #2 (Cover RI Derek Fridolfs), AR
Ben 10 #2 (Cover SUB Key Animation Art), $3.99
Doctor Who Prisoners Of Time Volume 3 TP, $17.99
G.I. JOE America’s Elite Disavowed Volume 2 TP, $19.99
G.I. JOE The Cobra Files #9 (Cover A Antonio Fuso), $3.99
G.I. JOE The Cobra Files #9 (Cover RI Riley Rossmo), AR
Ghostbusters #11 (Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99
Ghostbusters #11 (Cover B Erik Burnham), $3.99
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #7 (Cover A Matt Frank), $3.99
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #7 (Cover RI Jeff Zornow), AR
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Illegitimates #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Jerry Ordway), $3.99
Illegitimates #1 (Of 6)(Cover SUB Bill Willingham), $3.99
KISS Kids #4 (of 4)(Cover A Jose Holder), $3.99
KISS Kids #4 (of 4)(Cover SUB Jose Holder), $3.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Gabriel Rodriguez), $7.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Simon Bisley), $7.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover C Glenn Fabry, $7.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover C Michael Kaluta), $7.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover E Bill Sienkiewicz), $7.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover F Dave Sim), $7.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover G Bernie Wrightson), $7.99
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover RI-A Shane Leonard Photo), AR
Locke And Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)(Cover RI-B Gold Key Foil), AR
Locke And Key Alpha #2 Boxed Set , $49.99
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Greg Staples), $3.99
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #4 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Loston Wallace), $3.99
Mr Peabody And Sherman #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Jorge Monlogo), $3.99
Mr Peabody And Sherman #2 (Of 4)(Cover RI Matt Kaufenberg), AR
Mr Peabody And Sherman #2 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Movie Key Art), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #14 (Cover A Brenda Hickey), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #14 (Cover B Sara Richard), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #14 (Cover RI Stephanie Buscema), AR
My Little Pony Micro-Series #10 (Luna)(Cover A Amy Mebberson), $3.99
My Little Pony Micro-Series #10 (Luna)(Cover B Andy Price), $3.99
My Little Pony Micro-Series #10 (Luna)(Cover RI Andy Price), AR
Popeye Classics #17 (Cover A Bud Sagendorf), $3.99
Popeye Classics #17 (Cover RI Chogrin Munoz), AR
Samurai Jack #3 (Cover A Andy Suriano), $3.99
Samurai Jack #3 (Cover RI E. J. Su), AR
Samurai Jack #3 (Cover SUB Genndy Tartakovsky), $3.99
Sinister Dexter #1 (Of 7)(Cover A Antonio Fuso), $3.99
Sinister Dexter #1 (Of 7)(Cover SUB Andy Clarke), $3.99
Star Trek #28 (Cover A Erfan Fajar), $3.99
Star Trek #28 (Cover RI Erfan Fajar), AR
Star Trek #28 (Cover SUB Photo), $3.99
Star Trek Classics Volume 5 Who Killed Captain Kirk TP, $21.99
Tarzan The Complete Russ Manning Newspaper Strips Volume 2 1969-1971 HC, $49.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #29 (Cover A Ross Campbell), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #29 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #29 (Cover RI Michael Dialynas), AR
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Volume 6 TP, $19.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Kevin Eastman Cover Gallery (Cover A Kevin Eastman), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #6 (Cover A Dario Brizuela), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #6 (Cover RI Felipe Smith), AR
Transformers Art Of Prime HC, $49.99
Transformers Regeneration One #97 (Cover A Andrew Wildman), $3.99
Transformers Regeneration One #97 (Cover B Guido Guidi), $3.99
Transformers Regeneration One #97 (Cover RI Geoff Senior), AR
Transformers Robots in Disguise #24 (Dark Cybertron Part 5 Of 12)(Cover A Casey W. Coller), $3.99
Transformers Robots in Disguise #24 (Dark Cybertron Part 5 Of 12)(Cover RI Marcelo Matere), AR
Transformers Robots in Disguise #24 (Dark Cybertron Part 5 Of 12)(Cover SUB Phil Jimenez), $3.99
X-Files Season 10 Volume 1 HC, $24.99

Apocalypse Al #1 (Of 4)(Retailer Exclusive Preview), AR
Black Science #2 (Cover A Matteo Scalera & Dean White), $3.50
Black Science #2 (Cover B Robbi Rodriguez & Dean White), $3.50
Bounce #8, $2.99
East Of West #9, $3.50
Great Pacific Volume 2 Nation Building TP, $14.99
Mind The Gap #16 (Cover A Rodin Esquejo), $2.99
Mind The Gap #16 (Cover B Jenny Frison), $2.99
Peter Panzerfaust Deluxe HC, $39.99
Pretty Deadly #3, $3.50
Revival #16, $2.99
Saga #17, $2.99
Satellite Sam #1 (Howard Chaykin Midtown Comics Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $16.99
Secret #4 (resolicited), $3.50
Sex #9, $2.99
Ten Grand #6, $2.99
Umbral #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Umbral #2, $2.99
Voice In The Dark #2, $3.99
Walking Dead Spanish Language Edition Volume 2 TP, $14.99
WB171_Press-1Witchblade #171 (Cover A John Tyler Christopher), $2.99
Witchblade #171 (Cover B Stjepan Sejic), $2.99
Zero #4 (Cover A Tradd Moore & Tom Muller), $2.99
Zero #4 (Cover B Christian Ward & Tom Muller), $2.99

No. 6 Volume 4 GN, $10.99

Monster Book Of Manga Drawing SC (not verified by Diamond), $24.99

Sullivan’s Sluggers HC (not verified by Diamond), $49.99

Rue Morgue Magazine #140, $9.95

All-New Marvel NOW Previews #1 (Promotional Item), AR
All-New X-Men #20 (Art Adams X-Men 50th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #20 (Brandon Peterson Regular Cover), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #700.4 (Mirco Pierfederici Variant Cover), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #700.4 (Pasqual Ferry Regular Cover), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #700.5 (In-Hyuk Lee Variant Cover), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #700.5 (Pasqual Ferry Regular Cover), $3.99
Astonishing X-Men Volume 12 Unmasked TP, $29.99
Avengers Assemble #22.INH, $3.99
Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men #2 (Of 3), $3.99
Daredevil #34, $2.99
Deadpool #21, $2.99
Deadpool Classic Volume 9 TP, $29.99
Deadpool Volume 3 The Good The Bad And The Ugly TP, $15.99
Fantastic Four #15, $2.99
FF #15, $2.99
Indestructible Hulk #17.INH, $3.99
Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe #4 (Of 4), $2.99
Marvel Comics 2014 Calendar (Promotional Item), AR
Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Strange Tales Volume 6 HC, $74.99
Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Strange Tales Volume 6 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 201), $74.99
Marvel Masterworks Golden Age Marvel Comics Volume 2 TP, $29.99
Marvel Masterworks Golden Age Marvel Comics Volume 2 TP (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 60), $29.99
Powers Bureau Volume 1 Undercover TP, $19.99
Scarlet Spider #25 (Last Issue), $3.99
Secret Avengers #13, $3.99
Spider-Man The Gathering Of Five TP, $29.99
Superior Spider-Man #24 (Humberto Ramos Regular Cover), $3.99
Superior Spider-Man #24 (Stefano Caselli Variant Cover), AR
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8, $3.99
Thor God Of Thunder #16, $3.99
Thunderbolts Annual 2013 #1, $4.99
Uncanny Avengers #15, $3.99
Uncanny X-Force #15, $3.99
Venom The Land Where The Killers Dwell TP, $15.99
X-Factor Volume 21 The End Of X-Factor TP, $14.99
X-Men #8 (Terry Dodson Regular Cover), $3.99
Young Avengers #14, $2.99

Fairy Tales Of Oscar Wilde Volume 2 The Young King And The Remarkable Rocket GN, $9.99

Boy And A Girl GN, $19.99
Wasteland #51, $3.99

Asterix And The Picts HC, $14.95

Doctor Who Magazine #467, $15.99

Disney Fairies Volume 13 Tinker Bell And The Pixie Hollow Games HC, $11.99
Disney Fairies Volume 13 Tinker Bell And The Pixie Hollow Games SC, $7.99

Con Job GN, $5.99

Infomaniacs HC, $19.95

Roy Thomas Presents Classic Phantom LadyPS ARTBOOKS
ACG Classics Collectors Pack, $124.99
Harvey Horrors Collected Works Black Cat Mystery Volume 2 HC, $47.99
Roy Thomas Presents Classic Phantom Lady Trade Paperback Boxed Set, $79.99
Roy Thomas Presents Classic Phantom Lady Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $29.99
Roy Thomas Presents Classic Phantom Lady Volume 2 TP (not verified by Diamond), $29.99

Exile An Outlander Graphic Novel HC (Signed Bookplate Edition), $25.00
In Odd We Trust TP (Signed Bookplate Edition), $10.95
Supergods What Sun Gods Can Teach Us About Being Human HC (Signed Bookplate Edition), $28.00

Slaine Book Of Scars 30th Anniversary Special HC, $31.99
Judge Dredd Megazine #342, $12.25

Department Of Monsterology #3 (Of 4), $3.99

Shadow Double Novel Volume 79 SC, $14.95
Doc Savage Double Novel Volume 71 SC, $14.95

Dreary And Naughty Volume 2 Friday The 13th Of February HC, $14.99

Awkward Silence Volume 4 GN, $12.99

Aslan Pin-Up Volume 3 SC, $49.99

Supernatural Magazine Souvenir Special 2014, $14.99

Gothic And Lolita Bible #48, $35.00
Megami October 2013, $16.60
Newtype October 2013, $16.00

World War 3 Illustrated #45, $7.00

Bloodshot And H.A.R.D. Corps #17 (Emanuela Lupacchino Variant Cover), AR
Bloodshot And H.A.R.D. Corps #17 (Riley Rossmo Regular Cover), $3.99
Eternal Warrior #4 (Lewis Larosa Regular Cover), $3.99
Eternal Warrior #4 (Mark Moretti Valiant Signature Series Variant Cover), AR
Eternal Warrior #4 (Mico Suayan Variant Cover), $3.99
Valiant Masters Rai Volume 1 From Honor To Strength HC, $24.99
X-O Manowar #20 (Kalman Andrasofszky Regular Cover), $3.99
X-O Manowar #20 (Miguel Sepulveda Variant Cover), AR

Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Volume 4 Jaburo HC, $29.95
Summer Wars Part 2 GN, $14.95

Devil And Her Love Song Volume 12 GN, $9.99
Dorohedoro Volume 11 GN, $12.99
Itsuwaribito Volume 10 GN, $9.99
Nura Rise Of The Yokai Clan Volume 18 GN, $9.99
Toriko Volume 19 GN, $9.99

Are You Alice Volume 3 GN, $11.99
Bloody Cross Volume 1 GN, $11.99
Dark-Hunters Infinity Volume 2 TP, $12.99
High School Of The Dead Color Omnibus Volume 2 HC, $49.99
Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Volume 17 GN, $13.00
Pandora Hearts Volume 19 GN, $11.99
Puella Magi Kazumi Magica The Innocent Malice Volume 3 GN, $11.99
Spice And Wolf Volume 10 SC, $11.99
Sunshine Sketch Volume 7 TP, $17.00
Until Death Do Us Part Volume 5 GN, $18.99

Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland Through The Looking Glass #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Lilly), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland Through The Looking Glass #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Ivan Nunes), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland Through The Looking Glass #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Abhishek Malsuni), $3.99

Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland Volume 3 TP, $15.99


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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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