New Comics Wednesday June 05, 2013
Each week C4S will let you know about the new comics coming out, and we will make it easy for you… just look at the images and/or the colors!
Age Of Ultron #9 (Of 10)(Carlos Pacheco Regular Cover), $3.99
Age Of Ultron #9 (Of 10)(Jorge Molina Variant Cover), AR
Age Of Ultron #9 (Of 10)(Rock-He Kim Ultron Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #12 (Leinil Yu Wolverine Costume Variant Cover), AR
All-New X-Men #12 (Stuart Immonen Regular Cover), $3.99
Avengers #13, $3.99
Avengers Arena #10, $2.99
Cable And X-Force #9 (John Tyler Christopher Wolverine Costume Variant Cover), AR
Cable And X-Force #9 (Salvador Larroca Regular Cover), $3.99
Daredevil Dark Nights #1 (Of 8), $2.99
Daredevil End Of Days #8 (Of 8)(Alex Maleev Regular Cover), $3.99
Daredevil End Of Days #8 (Of 8)(Bill Sienkiewicz Variant Cover), AR
Daredevil End Of Days #8 (Of 8)(David Mack Variant Cover), AR
Dark Tower The Gunslinger Evil Ground #2 (Of 2), $3.99
Disney Junior Magazine #14 (Disney Publishing Worldwide), $4.99
Fearless Defenders #5 (Amanda Connor Variant Cover), AR
Fearless Defenders #5 (Larry Stroman Wolverine Costume Variant Cover), AR
Fearless Defenders #5 (Mark Brooks Regular Cover), $2.99
Iron Man #11 (Greg Land Regular Cover), $3.99
Iron Man #11 (Mike Deodata Wolverine Costume Variant Cover), AR
Kick-Ass 3 #1 (Of 8)(Adam Hughes Variant Cover), $2.99
Kick-Ass 3 #1 (Of 8)(Adam Kubert Variant Cover), $2.99
Kick-Ass 3 #1 (Of 8)(Cully Hamner Variant Cover), $2.99
Kick-Ass 3 #1 (Of 8)(John Romita Jr Regular Cover), $2.99
Kick-Ass 3 #1 (Of 8)(Marc Silvestri Variant Cover), $2.99
Kick-Ass 3 #1 (Of 8)(Pasqual Ferry Variant Cover), $2.99
Marvel’s Thor The Dark World Prelude #1 (Of 2), $2.99
Pacific Rim Tales From Year Zero HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Red She-Hulk #66, $2.99
Savage Wolverine #6/Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #25 Mini-Poster (Promotional Item), AR
Spider-Man Danger Zone TP, $19.99
Superior Spider-Man #11, $3.99
Superior Spider-Month Postcard (Promotional Item), AR
Thanos Rising #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Thunderbolts #10 (Julian Totino Tedesco Regular Cover), $2.99
Thunderbolts #10 (Jung-Geun Yoon Wolverine Costume Variant), AR
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #25 (Greg Land Variant Cover), AR
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #25 (Michael Komarck Regular Cover), $3.99
Winter Soldier #19 (Declan Shalvey Regular Cover)(Last Issue), $2.99
Winter Soldier #19 (Jason Latour Variant Cover)(Last Issue), AR
Wolverine By Claremont And Miller HC (not verified by Diamond), $24.99
Wolverine Comic Reader #1, $3.99
Wolverine Origin HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $29.99
Wolverine Sabretooth HC (not verified by Diamond), $39.99
Wolverine Season One HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Wolverine The Adamantium Collection HC (not verified by Diamond), $200.00
X-Factor #257, $2.99
X-Men Ghosts TP, $34.99
Action Comics #21 (Tony S. Daniel Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Action Comics #21 (Tony S. Daniel Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Action Comics #21 (Tony S. Daniel Regular Cover), $3.99
Ame-Comi Girls #4, $3.99
Astro City #1 (Cover A Alex Ross Featuring Heroes), $3.99
Astro City #1 (Cover B Alex Ross Featuring Villains), $3.99
Batman And Robin Volume 1 Born To Kill TP (not verified by Diamond), $16.99
Batman And Robin Volume 2 Pearl HC (not verified by Diamond), $24.99
Batman Arkham City The Joker Statue (not verified by Diamond), $124.95
Batwing #21, $2.99
Crisis On Multiple Earths Volume 6 TP (resolicited)(not verified by Diamond), $19.99
Detective Comics #21 (Jason Fabok Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Detective Comics #21 (Jason Fabok Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Detective Comics #21 (Jason Fabok Regular Cover), $3.99
Dial H #13, $2.99
Django Unchained #4 (Of 7)(Frank Quitely Regular Cover)(resolicited), $4.99
Django Unchained #4 (Of 7)(Ivan Reis Variant Cover)(resolicited), AR
Earth 2 #13 (Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Earth 2 #13 (Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund Regular Cover), $2.99
Fairest #16, $2.99
Green Arrow #21 (Andrea Sorrentino Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Green Arrow #21 (Andrea Sorrentino Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern #21 (Billy Tan Combo Pack Cover), $3.99
Green Lantern #21 (Billy Tan Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern #21 (Rags Morales Variant Cover), AR
Green Lantern Ring (Promotional Item), AR
Harley Quinn Night And Day TP (not verified by Diamond), $16.99
Legends Of The Dark Knight #9, $3.99
Looney Tunes #213, $2.99
Movement #2 (Amanda Conner Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Movement #2 (Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $2.99
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #34, $2.99
Solo HC (Deluxe Edition), $49.99
Stormwatch #21, $2.99
Superman The Golden Age Omnibus Volume 1 HC (not verified by Diamond), $75.00
Swamp Thing #21, $2.99
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger #9, $2.99
Star Wars The Clone Wars Episode Guide HC, $16.99
Monsters University The Essential Guide HC, $12.99
Indie Comics Horror #2, $6.49
Rachel Rising #17, $3.99
Supermag GN, $9.95
Cavewoman Oasis #2 (Of 2)(Budd Root Special Edition), AR
Cavewoman Oasis #2 (Of 2)(Devon Massey Regular Cover), $3.75
Cavewoman Oasis #2 (Of 2)(Devon Massey Special Edition), AR
Dilbert Your New Job Title Is Accomplice TP, $12.99
Get Fuzzy Volume 19 The Birth Of Canis TP (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Evil Diva Volume 1 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Macabre #1 (One Shot), $3.50
Drew Hayes’ Poison Elves #3 (Cover A Darick Robertson), $2.99
Drew Hayes’ Poison Elves #3 (Cover B Montos), $2.99
Archie Comics Super Special #3 (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Jugheads Double Digest #193, $3.99
Kevin Keller #9 (Dan Parent Regular Cover), $2.99
Kevin Keller #9 (Dan Parent Variant Cover), $2.99
Aspen Splash 2013 Swimsuit Spectacular (Anniversary Edition), $3.99
Charismagic Volume 2 #2 (Of 6)(Amanda Conner Aspen Reserved Cover), $3.99
Charismagic Volume 2 #2 (Of 6)(J Scott Campbell Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Charismagic Volume 2 #2 (Of 6)(Khary Randolph Direct Market Cover), $3.99
Shrugged Volume 2 #3 (Of 6)(Eric Basaldua Aspen Reserved Cover), $3.99
Shrugged Volume 2 #3 (Of 6)(Jonathan Mark Direct Market Cover), $3.99
Shrugged Volume 2 #3 (Of 6)(Eric Basaldua Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Caligula Heart Of Rome #5 (Of 6)(German Noble Gore Cover), $3.99
Caligula Heart Of Rome #5 (Of 6)(German Noble Imperial Incentive Cover), AR
Caligula Heart Of Rome #5 (Of 6)(German Noble Regular Cover), $3.99
Caligula Heart Of Rome #5 (Of 6)(German Noble Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #30 (Christian Zanier Torture Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #30 (Gabriel Andrade Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #30 (Jacen Burrows Red Crossed Incentive Cover), AR
Crossed Badlands #30 (Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
Fashion Beast #10 (Facundo Percio Haute Couture Incentive Cover), AR
Fashion Beast #10 (Facundo Percio Regular Cover), $3.99
Fashion Beast #10 (Facundo Percio Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Fashion Beast #10 (Paul Duffield Tarot Incentive Incentive Cover), AR
Uber #2 (Caanan White Blitzkrieg Incentive Cover), AR
Uber #2 (Caanan White Regular Cover), $3.99
Uber #2 (Caanan White Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Uber #2 (Michael Dipascale Propaganda Poster Cover), $3.99
Critter Volume 2 TP, $14.99
Legend Of Oz The Scarecrow #2 (Of 2)(Carlos Reno Cover), $3.50
Legend Of Oz The Scarecrow #2 (Of 2)(Nei Ruffino Cover), $3.50
Ursa Minor #5 (Ian Snyder Cover), $3.50
Ursa Minor #5 (Natalie Sanders Cover), $3.50
Bravest Warriors #1 (Of 6)(Bob Flynn NYCC Variant Cover), $9.99
Garfield #14 (Cover A Gary Barker), $3.99
Herobear And The Kid Special #1 (Cover A Mike Kunkel), $3.99
Herobear And The Kid Special #1 (Cover B Animation Cell), AR
Hypernaturals #12 (Cover A Tom Derenick)(Final Issue), $3.99
Planet Of The Apes Cataclysm #10 (Cover A Garry Brown), $3.99
Polarity #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Frazer Irving), $3.99
Polarity #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Ulises Farinas), AR
Suicide Risk #2 (Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99
Suicide Risk #2 (Cover B Stephanie Hans), AR
Doctor Who Beautiful Chaos MMPB (50th Anniversary Collection Edition), $12.99
Doctor Who Festival Of Death MMPB (50th Anniversary Collection Edition), $12.99
Doctor Who Last Of The Gaderene MMPB (50th Anniversary Collection Edition), $12.99
Doctor Who Only Human MMPB (50th Anniversary Collection Edition), $12.99
Art Of Monsters University HC (not verified by Diamond), $40.00
Comic Shop News #1355, AR
Oxymoron HC, $24.99
Silence And Co GN, $9.99
Abe Sapien #3 (Dark And Terrible #3 Of 3)(Sebastian Fiumara Regular Cover), $3.50
Art Of Remember Me HC (not verified by Diamond), $39.99
Blood-C Volume 2 TP, $12.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Spike Volume 1 A Dark Place TP, $17.99
Empowered Special #4 (Animal Style), $3.99
Everybody Gets It Wrong And Other Stories David Chelsea’s 24-Hour Comics Volume 1 HC, $19.99
Forbidden Worlds Archives Volume 2 HC, $49.99
Gary Baseman Coaster Set, $9.99
Gary Baseman Magnet Set, $8.99
Hellboy Library Edition Volume 6 The Storm And The Fury And The Bride Of Hell HC, $49.99
Lone Wolf 2100 Omnibus TP (not verified by Diamond), $24.99
Lone Wolf And Cub Omnibus Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $19.99
Michael Avon Oeming’s The Victories #2 (Of 5)(Transhuman Part 2), $3.99
Mister X Eviction #2 (Of 3), $3.99
Misty Circus HC, $14.99
San Diego Comic-Con Comics #2 (Mike Mignola Signed Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $80.00
Star Wars Dark Times Fire Carrier #5 (Of 5), $2.99
Star Wars Legacy Volume 1 HC, $34.99
Strain Volume 2 TP, $19.99
User’s Guide To Neglectful Parenting GN, $12.95
Black Bat #2 (Ardian Syaf Black & White Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Black Bat #2 (Billy Tan Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Black Bat #2 (Cover A Jae Lee), $3.99
Black Bat #2 (Cover B Joe Benitez), $3.99
Black Bat #2 (Cover C Ardian Syaf), $3.99
Black Bat #2 (Cover D Billy Tan), $3.99
Black Bat #2 (Jae Lee Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Dark Shadows #17 (Francesco Francavilla Regular Cover), $3.99
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #4 (Of 8)(Ale Garza Risque Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #4 (Of 8)(Cezar Razek Risque Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #4 (Of 8)(Jay Anacleto Regular Cover), $3.99
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #4 (Of 8)(Jay Anacleto Risque Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #4 (Of 8)(Jay Anacleto Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #4 (Of 8)(Walter Geovani Risque Red Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars #4 (Of 8)(Walter Geovani Risque Variant Cover), AR
Garth Ennis’ Red Team #3 (Howard Chaykin Regular Cover), $3.99
Kirby Genesis Dragonsbane #4 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Lone Ranger #15 (Francesco Francavilla Regular Cover), $3.99
Miss Fury #3 (Ale Garza Risque Variant Cover), AR
Miss Fury #3 (Billy Tan Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Miss Fury #3 (Cover A Joe Benitez), $3.99
Miss Fury #3 (Cover B Paul Renaud), $3.99
Miss Fury #3 (Cover C Billy Tan), $3.99
Miss Fury #3 (Cover D Warner Reis), $3.99
Miss Fury #3 (Joe Benitez Red Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Miss Fury #3 (Wagner Reis Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Spider #12 (Francesco Francavilla Regular Cover), $3.99
Warlord Of Mars #24 (Risque Red Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $14.99
Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #25 (Risque Red Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), $19.99
DC Batman Automobilia Figurine Collection Magazine #7 (Batman #575 Batmobile), $20.00
DC Batman Automobilia Figurine Collection Magazine #8 (Animated Series Batmobile), $20.00
DC Superhero Chess Figurine Collection Magazine #32 (Batman/Question & Superman 2 Pack), $16.00
End HC (not verified by Diamond), $19.99
Today Is The Last Day Of The Rest Of Your Life GN (not verified by Diamond), $35.00
Dan Dare Spacefleet Operations Manual HC, $27.95
Trinity A Graphic History Of The First Atomic Bomb TP, $14.95
Colonized #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Dave Sim), $3.99
Colonized #3 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Gabriel Rodriguez), $3.99
Crow Skinning The Wolves TP, $17.99
Haunted Horror #5 (Cover A Tony Mortellaro & Bernard Baily), $3.99
Hollows HC, $21.99
John K Presents Spumco Comic Book HC, $34.99
Locke And Key Omega #5 (Of 7)(Cover A Gabriel Rodriguez), $3.99
Locke And Key Omega #5 (Of 7)(Cover RI Photo), AR
Star Trek Legion Of Super-Heroes TP, $19.99
Tarzan The Complete Russ Manning Newspaper Strips Volume 1 1967-1970 HC, $49.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics Volume 5 TP, $19.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics #11 (Cover A Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird), $3.99
Transformers Movie Collection Volume 1 TP, $29.99
Transformers Robots In Disguise #18 (Cover A Atilio Rojo), $3.99
Transformers Robots In Disguise #18 (Cover B Casey Coller), $3.99
Transformers Robots In Disguise #18 (Cover RI Phil Jimenez), AR
Womanthology Space HC, $24.99
68 Jungle Jim #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Jeff Zornow & Jay Fotos), $3.99
68 Jungle Jim #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Nat Jones & Jay Fotos), $3.99
All-New Secret Skullkickers #1 (Cover A Edwin Huang & Ross A Campbell), $3.50
All-New Secret Skullkickers #1 (Cover B Saejin Oh), $3.50
Bedlam #7, $3.50
Blackacre #7, $2.99
Darkness #113, $2.99
East Of West #1 (4th Printing Variant Cover), $3.50
East Of West #3, $3.50
Hack Slash Omnibus Volume 5 TP, $34.99
Invincible Universe #3, $2.99
Jupiter’s Legacy #1 (Michael Allred 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Mice Templar IV Legend #3 (Cover A Michael Avon Oeming), $2.99
Mice Templar IV Legend #3 (Cover B Victor Santos & Chandra Free), $2.99
Perhapanauts Danger Down Under #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Craig Rousseau), $3.50
Perhapanauts Danger Down Under #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Walter Simonson), $3.50
Perhapanauts Danger Down Under #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Michael Golden), $3.50
Savage Dragon #188, $3.99
Son Of Merlin #5, $2.99
Spawn #232 (Cover A Todd McFarlane), $2.99
Spawn #232 (Cover B Todd McFarlane), AR
Ten Grand #1 (2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Ten Grand #2 (Cover A Ben Templesmith), $2.99
Ten Grand #2 (Cover B Bill Sienkiewicz), $2.99
Walking Dead Volume 18 What Comes After TP, $14.99
After Earth United Ranger Corps Survival Manual HC (not verified by Diamond), $40.00
True Blood The Poster Collection SC, $24.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table #198, $5.99
Missions Of Love Volume 3 GN, $10.99
Domino Lady Sherlock Holmes #1 (Of 2)(Regular Cover)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Domino Lady Sherlock Holmes #1 (Of 2)(Virgin Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Famous Monsters Of Filmland #268 (July/August 2013), $9.99
Monster Attack Team #1, $19.99
Doctor Who Magazine #460 (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Ariol Volume 2 Thunder Horse SC, $12.99
Smurfs Anthology Volume 1 HC, $19.99
Sybil The Backpack Fairy Volume 4 Princess Nina HC, $10.99
Doctor Atlantis Volume 2 GN, $9.99
Rogue Trooper Welcome To Nu-Earth Digest GN (not verified by Diamond), $11.00
Alice In The Country Of Clover Ace Of Hearts Volume 1 GN (not verified by Diamond), $13.99
Alice In The Country Of Joker Circus And Liar’s Game Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Haganai I Don’t Have Many Friends Volume 3 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Kisses Sighs And Cherry Blossom Pink Complete Collection TP (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Sacred Blacksmith Volume 1 GN, $13.99
Super Boys The Amazing Adventures Of Jerry Siegel And Joe Shuster The Creators Of Superman HC, $27.99
Fangoria #324, $9.99
Walking Dead Novel Volume 2 Road To Woodbury SC, $14.99
Star Wars The Clone Wars Magazine #18, $4.99
Walking Dead The Official Magazine #4 (Newsstand Edition), $9.99
Walking Dead The Official Magazine #4 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99
Megami March 2013, $16.60
Newtype March 2013, $16.00
Robert Jordan’s The Eye Of The World Volume 1 TP, $15.99
Best Of Alter Ego Volume 2 SC, $19.95
Archer And Armstrong #10 (Andrew Robinson Variant Cover ), AR
Archer And Armstrong #10 (Clayton Henry Regular Cover), $3.99
Archer And Armstrong #10 (Juan Doe Pullbox Variant Cover), $3.99
Archer And Armstrong #10 (Matthew Waite 8-Bit Variant Cover ), $3.99
Harbinger Volume 2 Renegades TP, $14.99
Shadowman #7 (Dave Johnson Variant Cover), AR
Shadowman #7 (Matthew Waite 8-Bit Variant Cover ), $3.99
Shadowman #7 (Patrick Zircher Regular Cover), $3.99
Valiant Masters Shadowman Volume 1 Spirits Within HC, $24.99
Dawn Of The Arcana Volume 10 TP (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Demon Love Spell Volume 3 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Devil And Her Love Song Volume 9 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Dragon Ball 3-In-1 Edition Volume 1 TP, $14.99
Monsuno Combat Chaos Volume 1 Moto Mutants GN (not verified by Diamond), $7.99
Nura Rise Of The Yokai Clan Volume 15 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
One Piece Volume 67 TP (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Pokemon Adventures Diamond And Pearl Platinum Volume 8 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Pokemon Black And White Volume 10 GN, $4.99
Rurouni Kenshin Restoration Volume 1 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Sakura Hime The Legend Of Princess Sakura Volume 10 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Skip-Beat Volume 31 TP (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Slam Dunk Volume 28 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Toriko Volume 16 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Geek Toys Guide Make A Real Light Saber And 64 Other Amazing Geek Toys SC, $9.99
Are You Alice Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Black God Volume 19 TP (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Blood Lad Omnibus Volume 3 GN (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
BTOOOM Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Disappearance Of Nagato Yuki-Chan Volume 4 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Durarara Saika Volume 2 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $12.00
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Volume 2 TP (not verified by Diamond), $12.00
Omamori Himari Volume 10 GN (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Soul Eater Volume 14 TP (not verified by Diamond), $11.99
Thermae Romae Volume 2 HC (not verified by Diamond), $34.99
Umineko When They Cry Volume 3 Turn Of The Golden Witch Part 1 GN (not verified by Diamond), $20.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Demons The Unseen #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Anthony Spay), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Demons The Unseen #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Harvey Toliboa), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents The Jungle Book Last Of The Species #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Jimbo Salgado), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents The Jungle Book Last Of The Species #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Ivan Nunes), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $59.99
Grimm Universe Volume 1 TP, $15.99
Screwed #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Tyler Kirkham), $2.99
Screwed #1 (Of 6)(Cover B David Miller), $2.99