Pocket Change

Published on August 3rd, 2019 | by Preston Poulter


Pocket Change: The Death of Comicsgate

Over the weekend, the death of Comicsgate as a movement was recognized by a number of people, including Jeremy from The Quartering. Which is not to say that Ethan Van Sciver is not doing well with his marketing, he is. But increasingly people who formerly associated with the hashtag, including the man who administers the website Indiecron, are walking away from the label. What happened? Well, as I go into in this video, a group of EVS superfans under the label War Campaign engaged in (dare I say it?) cult inspired harassment tactics in order to attack and control the enemies of Ethan Van Sciver. EVS refused to condemn his fans, as the movement was slowly torn apart from within.

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About the Author

Preston Poulter (Writer / Creator): Does a lot of traveling, but calls Dallas his home. He completed his first movie, “Standoff at Sparrow Creek” which was filmed entirely in Dallas and is now on Amazon Prime. He enjoys using comics as a medium to explore story concepts in anticipation of movie production at a later date. His first creation was the White Lily miniseries, a story originally conceived at a poker table. He’s also the creator and writer of Guinevere and Divinity Factory.

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