
Published on September 16th, 2020 | by Richard Boom


Preview: Dejah Thoris (Vol. 3) #8

Dynamite showcases a preview of Dejah Thoris (Vol. 3) #8, on sale Sept 16, 2020.

Dejah Thoris (Vol. 3) #8

writer:  Dan Abnett  |  artist:  Sebastian Piriz

covers:  Lucio Parrillo (A), Vasco Georgiev (B), Joseph Michael Linsner (C)

Brent Peeples “Rob Liefeld Homage” Variant (D), Tasha Cosplay UK Cosplay

Variant (E) , Lucio Parrillo (RI-B/W), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI-B/W), Vasco

Georgiev (RI-B/W), Tasha Cosplay UK Cosplay Variant (RI-Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI-B/W Virgin), Lucio Parrillo (RI-B/W Virgin)

FC  |  32 pages  |  Fantasy/Science-Fiction  |  $3.99  |   Teen+ 

“A Princess Of Earth, Part 2”

Dejah’s Earth adventures continue! She’s a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by stubborn aliens (“Humans,” they’re called) that do not believe her. But if they do not heed her warnings, the awful catastrophes besetting Mars will overtake a second world…

By DAN ABNETT (Guardians Of The Galaxy, Justice League Odyssey) and SEBASTIAN PIRIZ (Disaster INC)!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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