C4S with a preview to their Preview: Fathom Annual 2014 #1 - Comics for Sinners


Published on June 13th, 2014 | by Richard Boom

Preview: Fathom Annual 2014 #1

Aspen Comics has provided C4S with a preview to their 2014 Fathom Annual, in stores June 18th, 2014.

Fathom-Annual2014-01a-TurnerFATHOM ANNUAL #1

David Wohl, Nei Ruffino, Vince Hernandez – Story
Dennis Calero, Nei Ruffino, Jordan Gunderson – Art

Michael Turner’s FATHOM returns!

Aspen’s first ever FATHOM ANNUAL arrives, jam-packed with three all new stories featuring some of the most popular characters in the Fathom universe—and more! Join veteran FATHOM writer David Wohl as he gives us an inside look at Aspen’s former love interest, Chance Calloway, and his thrilling exploits away from her, as he adapts to a whole new world of Blue and Human cooperation! Fan favorite illustrator Nei Ruffino debuts a new FATHOM story all her own, as she handles the writing and art duties in a special tale featuring Aspen Matthews and her new close friend Judith! And Fathom: Kiani writer Vince Hernandez takes Aspen Matthews on a journey to discover a lost city hidden deep under the surface of the water, only what she discovers instead is far more shocking!

Don’t miss out on the debut of the first ever FATHOM ANNUAL #1 in this thrilling oversized issue featuring a re-mastered FATHOM cover by series creator Michael Turner and Peter Steigerwald!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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