Preview: Frank Cho’s Jungle Girl Complete Omnibus
Dynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to Frank Cho’s Jungle Girl Complete Omnibus, coming to stores June 24, 2020.

Frank Cho’s Jungle Girl Complete Omnibus
writers: Frank Cho, Doug Murray
artists: Frank Cho, Adriano Batista, Jack Jadson
cover: Frank Cho
FC | 392 pages | $39.99 | Action/Adventure | Teen +
Dynamite proudly presents Frank Cho’s Jungle Girl! Overseen by co-writer and artist Frank Cho and infused the issue with everything Cho fans want to see — beautiful women, thrilling adventures, and, of course, dinosaurs — Jungle Girl also features Co-writer Doug Murray (Red Sonja: Queen of the Frozen Wastes, The ‘Nam) who’s along for the ride, as is series artist Adriano Batista (New Battlestar Galactica: Zarek, Red Sonja) as they bring the Jungle Girl to life!
This Complete Omnibus features all three “Seasons” of the Jungle Girl series, collected for the first time in one book!
Jana the Jungle Girl lives in a strange land – a land filled with dinosaurs, prehistoric men, and much, much more! When a group of intruders finds themselves in need, Jana races to save them, kicking off a chain of events that, with each new chapter, reveals more clues about the nature of Jana, and of the island itself!