C4S with a preview to Preview: Hack/Slash vs Chaos #1 - Comics for Sinners


Published on December 4th, 2018 | by Richard Boom


Preview: Hack/Slash vs Chaos #1

Dynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to Hack/Slash vs Chaos #1, coming to stores December 5, 2018.

Hack/Slash vs Chaos #1

writer: Tim Seeley
artist: Rapha Lobosco
covers: Tim Seeley (A), Craig Cermak (B), Kyle Strahm (C), Purgatori Seduction (RI), Lady Demon Seduction (RI), Craig Cermak (RI-Virg), Kyle Strahm (RI-B/W), Tim Seeley (RI-Virg)

FC | 32 pages | Horror | $3.99 | Mature

Cassie Hack, Slasher Hunter Supreme, thought she’d gotten rid of those teenager-perforating undead menaces. But now they’re suddenly springing back to life! Cassie and Vlad are going to have to team up with megadeath dispenser Evil Ernie to stop the slaughter, putting them on a path that appears to lead through Chastity, the Chosen, and Purgatori!

Tim Seeley returns to his beloved creations to pit them against the world’s greatest horror universe and brings back some of the series’ most beloved slashers!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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