Published on September 12th, 2017 | by Richard Boom
0Preview: KISS / Vampirella #4
Dynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to KISS / Vampirella #4, coming to stores September 13, 2017.
writer: Chris Sebela
artist: Annapaola Martello
covers: Juan Doe (A)
Carli Ihde (B)
Roberto Castro (C)
Cosplay Photo Variant (D)
Carli Ihde (RI B/W)
Juan Doe (RI Virgin)
Roberto Castro (RI B/W)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen +
KISS storm the head offices of the record industry to confront a demonic menace hellbent on taking down rock ’n’ roll. When things go awry and get bloody, they’ll take shelter with Vampi, Witchkraft and their roadie Lily, who’s about to get a crash course in why she’s really here.