Published on November 13th, 2018 | by Richard Boom
0Preview: Life is Strange #1
Titan Comics has provided C4S with a preview to Life Is Strange #1, an official licensed four-part comic miniseries based on Life is Strange by Titan Comics launching on November 14, 2018.
The story of the comics will be set one year after the events of the original Life is Strange, and is a continuation to the “Sacrifice Arcadia” ending. The series is written by Emma Vieceli with interior art by Claudia Leonardi and coloring by Andrea Izzo.
“Join Max & Chloe as they return to Arcadia Bay, charting the course of a possible future after one of the two endings of the game.”
The first issue, “Life is Strange #1”, which releases on November 14, 2018, will be 32 pages and sell for $3.99. On, the “Life Is Strange Collection” is currently listed to be released in paperback format on April 30, 2019. It will be 112 pages and sells for $15.29/$16.99