Preview: Pathfinder: Worldscape #2 (of 6): Crosses Over With Red Sonja, John Carter and Tarzan - Comics for Sinners


Published on November 15th, 2016 | by Richard Boom

Preview: Pathfinder: Worldscape #2 (of 6): Crosses Over With Red Sonja, John Carter and Tarzan

pathworld02-cov-a-brownDynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to the fantasy-crossover Pathfinder: Worldscape #2 in which Pathfinder crosses over with Red Sonja, Thun’da, John Carter, Tarzan and more, coming to stores November 16, 2016.

Pathfinder: Worldscape #2 (of 6)

writer: Erik Mona
artist: Jonathan Lau

covers: Reilly Brown (a), Tom Mandrake (b)
subscription cover: Sean Izaakse (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99 • Teen+

The Scepter and the Crown.

The legendary heroes of three worlds fight to survive in the forbidden jungle of the inter-dimensional Worldscape. Seoni lends her magic to the mighty Tars Tarkas of Barsoom and his savage ally Thun’da to help them discover the secret of a multi-world gorilla super-army. Co-starring the jungle goddess Fantomah!

The war for the Worldscape continues in a tale written by Pathfinder publisher Erik Mona (Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain) with art from Jonathan Lau (Red Sonja and Cub).

Contains a Pathfinder RPG rules appendix and a bonus pull-out poster map!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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