Preview: Purgatori #1
Dynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to Purgatori #1 coming to stores (pre-order via brick store for support!!) on October 20, 2021.
Purgatori #1
writer: Ray Fawkes
artist: Alvaro Sarraseca
covers: Antonio Fuso (A), Carlo Pagulayan (B), Russell Fox (C), Nerdy Nereid Cosplay (D), Blank Authentix (E), Carlo Pagulayan (F-RI/BW), Russell Fox (G-RI/BW), Antonio Fuso (H-RI/BW), Russell Fox (I-RI/Virgin), Carlo Pagulayan (J-RI/Virgin)
FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+
From the team that brought you the seismic VAMPIRELLA VS. PURGATORI series comes the solo follow-up for the demon of dark humor!
Purgatori’s really living the vampire demon life. She’s got Lilith’s nasty mind worm eating her willpower. She’s going bug-nuts crazy. And now, there are a bunch of witches targeting her with their weird body-snatching schemes. Clearly, it’s time for some quiet introspection and careful planning, right? Get ready for bloody mayhem instead!