
Published on January 18th, 2022 | by Richard Boom


Preview: Purgatori #4 + Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #6

Dynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to Purgatori #4 + Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #6 , coming to stores (pre-order via brick store for support!!) on Jan 19, 2022.

Purgatori #4

writer: Ray Fawkes

artist: Alvaro Sarraseca

covers: Antonio Fuso (A), Szymon Kudranski (B), Russell Fox (C), Nerdy Nereid Cosplay (D), Szymon Kudranski (E-RI/BW), Russell Fox (F-RI/BW), Russell Fox (G-RI/Virgin), Szymon Kudranski (H-RI/Virgin)

FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+

Purgatori! She’s got the memories of thousands of people in her head! But who is she, really? She might be able to figure it out if only people would stop trying to kill her, eat her, become her, conquer her, feed themselves to her, die in entertaining ways, all of the above… literally ALL the time. But maybe that’s… someone’s plan? Maybe if she stops and thinks, everyone’s in real trouble. Let’s find out! IN THIS ISSUE.

Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #6

writer: Phil Hester, Amy Chu, Jacob Edgar

artist: Anthony Marques, Giorgio Spalletta

covers: Jae Lee (A), Lesley “Leirix” Li (B), Jonathan Lau (C), Cosplay Variant (D),Lesley “Leirix“ Li (E-RI/Tinted), Jonathan Lau (F-RI/Line Art), Cosplay Variant (G-RI/Virgin), Jae Lee (H-RI/BW)

FC | 40 pages | Sword and Sorcery | $4.99 | Teen+

The greatest tales, the best creators, brought to you in beautiful black, white and red!

PHIL HESTER throws Sonja into the dangerous den of a deadly religion…

AMY CHU and ANTHONY MARQUES return to Red with a thrilling adventure…

JACOB EDGAR and GIORGIO SPALLETTA spin a tale of talents, as various killers of different disciplines challenge Sonja, only to realize every weapon they wield is no match for a She-Devil…

All covers printed on Cardstock.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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