Preview: Red Sonja (Vol. 5) #25
Dynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to Red Sonja (Vol. 5) #25, coming to stores (pre-order via brick store for support!!) on March 24, 2021.
Red Sonja (Vol. 5) #25
writer: Luke Lieberman | artist: Drew Moss
covers: Jae Lee (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Sanya Anwar (C), Will Robson (D), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (E), Will Robson (RI/Virgin), Sanya Anwar (RI/Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI/BW), Jae Lee (RI/BW)
FC | 40 pages | Sword and Sorcery | $4.99 | Teen+
Special 25th Issue! New creative team!
It has been generations since the end of Sonja The Red’s travails. A Barren, reflecting on her life, will undertake a quest that will force the past to become undead.
By LUKE LIEBERMAN (Red Sonja: Birth Of The She-Devil) and DREW MOSS (Vampirella/Red Sonja).