
Published on January 22nd, 2020 | by Richard Boom


Preview: Vampirella (Vol.5) #7

Dynamite Ent. has provide C4S with a preview to Vampirella (Vol.5) #7 , coming to stores Jan 22, 2020.

Vampirella (Vol.5) #7

writer: Christopher Priest  |  artist:  Giovanni Timpano, Ergün Gündüz

covers: Amanda Conner (A), Guillem March (B)

            Fay Dalton (C), Ergün Gündüz (D), Ashlynne Dae Cosplay (E)

            Lucio Parrillo (RI), Amanda Conner (RI-B/W)

            Ashlynne Dae Cosplay (RI-Virgin), Ergün Gündüz (RI-Virgin)

            Guillem March (RI-Virgin), Amanda Conner (RI-B/W Virgin)

            Amanda Conner (CGC-Graded Cover)

            Lucio Parrillo (CGC-Graded Cover)

FC  |  32 pages  |  Horror  |  $3.99  |   Teen+ 


While vacationing in the Caribbean with Benny the Witch, Vampirella enters the surreal world of a Voodoo Vampire King who becomes obsessed with winning her as his bride.

Meanwhile, Victory, Vampirella’s estranged lover, was left behind in Los Angeles. Now she’s impersonating Vampirella for her own amusement, unaware that a newly forged team of Vampirella’s enemies is closing in for the kill!

Featuring Giovanni Timpano (Shadow/Batman, Port of Earth).

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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