C4S with a preview to Previews: Dejah Thoris #6 & Nancy Drew #2 & Red Sonja Vol. 4 #18 & Sheena #10 & Xena #6 - Comics for Sinners


Published on July 10th, 2018 | by Richard Boom


Previews: Dejah Thoris #6 & Nancy Drew #2 & Red Sonja Vol. 4 #18 & Sheena #10 & Xena #6

Dynamite Entertainment has provided C4S with a preview to Dejah Thoris #6 & Nancy Drew #2 & Red Sonja Vol. 4 #18 & Sheena #10 & Xena #6, coming to stores July 11, 2018.

Dejah Thoris #6

writer: Amy Chu

artist: Pasquale Qualano

covers: Mike McKone (A), Diego Galindo (B), Pasquale Qualano (C), Mike McKone (RI-B/W), Pasquale Qualano (RI-B/W)

FC | 32 pages | $3.99 | Teen+

Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium sends Dejah Thoris on a scientific mission to chart air currents and atmospheric density tests. But Dekana Lor, Headmistress of the Royal Academy of Helium hints at a second secret mission to the princess. And who is this handsome Red Martian prince and why is he suddenly part of the team?

Nancy Drew #2

writer: Kelly Thompson

artist: Jenn St-Onge, Triona Farrell

covers: Tula Lotay (A), Babs Tarr (B), Jenn St-Onge (C-Sub), Tula Lotay (RI-Virgin)

FC | 32 pages | $3.99 | Teen+

Nancy’s returned to her hometown of Bayport to sniff out the sender of an ominous letter that may have to do with her mother’s death seven years ago. Re-teaming with her childhood crime solving team — Bess, George, and The Hardy Boys — Nancy is determined to get to the bottom of things. But she hasn’t even been back in town a day, and someone’s already tried to kill them once. Can they follow the clues in time to stop it from happening again? This modern take on the classic mystery icon continues from KELLY THOMPSON (Hawkeye, Star Wars, Rogue & Gambit) and JENN ST-ONGE (Giant Days, The Misfits)!

Red Sonja Vol. 4 #18

writers: Amy Chu, Erik Burnham | artist: Carlos Gomez

covers: Tula Lotay (A), Billy Tucci (B), Carlos Gomez (C), Cosplay Photo Variant (D), John Royle (E-Sub), Carlos Gomez (RI-B/W), Tula Lotay (RI-Virgin), Billy Tucci (RI-B/W)

FC | 32 pages | $3.99 | Teen+

After discovering the provenance of her sword — and the fact that the original owner has promised a large reward for its return — Sonja travels to the realm of Lord Skath, only to discover a legendary warrior who can no longer live up to his reputation. (And because Sonja is who she is, she also discovers treachery and danger and a conflict she can’t help but be drawn into!)

Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #10

writers: Marguerite Bennett, Christina Trujillo | artist: Maria Sanapo

covers: Maria Sanapo (A), John Royle (B), Diego Galindo (C), Cosplay Photo Variant (D-Sub), Maria Sanapo (RI-B/W), John Royale (RI-B/W), Diego Galindo (RI-Virgin)

FC | 32 pages | $3.99 | Teen+

It’s a battle against mercenary and monster to reverse the rot and restore Mother Forest! Now, Sheena must escape the explosive ruins of Caldwell’s lab, navigate a literal minefield of danger, and return what is left of the temple of the First People, all while protecting her friends from man and beast determined to stop them—but the ghosts of Sheena’s long forgotten past have woken, bringing with them old enemies…

Xena #6

writer: Erica Schultz | artist: Vicente Cifuentes

covers: Sergio Davila (A), Vicente Cifuentes (B), Sergio Davila (RI-Virg), Vicente Cifuentes (RI-B/W), Sergio Davila (RI-B/W)

FC | 32 pages | $3.99 | Teen+

The start of a new adventure! A young girl flees for her life—from her parents?! Xena and Gabrielle must determine if the girl is a visionary or a demon. Unfortunately for all concerned, the Oracles of Delphi have already decided!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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