Review: All New Fathom #4 (of 8) V6
Rock stars with lama’s as pets, Fathom trying to explain her kind and the difference between her and the Typhos on YooToob, and tension mounting in our underwater kingdom as the residents become aware that the humans have discovered their existence, this issue is spent trying to make sense of the events of issues past, and it opens with Fathom and Tyler washing ashore on an uncharted desert isle. But instead of Gilligan and the gang we meet Riley J. Moss, or R.J. to his friends. R.J. owns the biggest electric car company in the world, which is why he can own his own Island. He appears to be a friendly host, offering our hero’s safe haven while they figure out their next move. The quirky humor and suspense filled tension continues to grow as all concerned try to make sense of their surroundings. A great issue that’s a lot of fun.
Blake Northcott continues to have fun writing the tale of the Blue and their on-going feud with the Typhos. It’s another amusing issue, but it isn’t all fun and games as we see in Muria, capital city of the Blue. Virydis is roughing up one of the Typhos in an effort to get information as to their ultimate goal. Northcott knows how to seamlessly blend the humor and the action in a way that will keep the reader interested and want to get to the next issue. I highly recommend this one and I know fans of sea-faring superheroes will like it too.
Renna and Roslan’s renderings are just the right mix of cartoon and realistic art. This artistic team reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Rebekah Isaacs. The Blue and the Typhos are drawn interestingly and are good comic book creations with the Typhos being just evil looking enough that we know they’re antagonists without being over done. a fun read for sure.
We see the relationship between Fathom and Tyler grow and we learn that Tyler isn’t going to be ordered around by anyone, even a leader of the blue. Their personalities clash as we see that Fathom is used to giving orders but Tyler isn’t going to be intimidated, not even by her bestie. Is R.J. a friend or foe? Will the Typhos discover that Fathom is on the Island and come after her? Will the Blue continue to trust Fathom or are they beginning to doubt her intentions? to be continued. ***1/2 (9.2 rating)
All New Fathom #4 (of 8) V6
Writer – Blake Northcott
Art – Marco Renna, Mark Roslan
Colors – John Starr
Letters – Zen
Publisher – Aspen comics
Publication date – May 2017
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