
Published on August 29th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Review: Bigfoot, Sword of the Earthman #4 (of 6)

Bigfoot_Sword_of_the_Earthman_issue_four_coverThis is not going to be the story of how Bigfoot became a myth on Earth. It will eventually “be the story of how Bigfoot became a legend of the stars” once the six-issue series has been completed.

Bigfoot – Sword of the Earth-man is a series which revolves around a hairy Earth-man´s quest for freedom and his fight against slavery, as he and many others are being held captive on a barbarian and all/together alien planet.

Bigfoot has formed an alliance with a little alien fellow called Castor, or rather the scribe Castor keeps following Bigfoot as he does what he does, without explanation but with massive decisive power and abundance of mayhem…

In this fourth instalment Castor and Bigfoot are not together anymore and Castor is ploughing through the jungle on his very own and of course gets captured. During his capture he gets to know one of the female priests, responsible for getting the Earthmen to this planet and how the priests are being killed one by one now.

The jungle knows many dangers but like in our human civilization, the biggest monsters are our fellow men. And the cliffhanger of this exciting series ends with the bold message that Bigfoot will be hunted down!

Writer Henaman may have made the name of the book resound one of the greatest mysteries of Earth, but he makes the barbarian world and its stories -as told by Castor- the true centrepiece ánd masterpiece of this tale. Each tale could easily spin off into a complete new series as new concepts, new characters and more are most likely buzzing inside Henaman’s mind.

Artist Taylor with colorist Bonvillain makes this Independent tale hit home with more then adequate artwork to support the alien framework.

This series deserves a much bigger audience then it must be getting now, so if you somehow are able to make yourself heard in the comic book business or in the retail stores: do not hesitate! Brewhouse Comics deserves your dedication.


  • Words: Josh S. Henaman
  • Art: Andy Taylor
  • Colors: Thomas Bonvillain

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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