Review: Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter #3
Kronos finally meets Slake in the first page of this exciting issue. Slake is a cross between Dracula and the Incredible Hulk and is ready to take out our fearless vampire hunter. He wastes no time lunging for our hero and, while we can respect and love our hero’s zeal, we can’t help but wonder how on earth he would defeat this creature of the night.
Dan Abnett brings us directly to the action without any time to waste. Slake offers to bring the good Captain to the dark side, or rather threatens to bring him to it. Noting that blood that has turned is the sweetest of all flavors. It is apparent that our hero has bitten off more that he can chew and Abnett has his companions come to the rescue and bring his battered body home. The team re-caps that these vampires don’t share the same weaknesses as others. A great beginning to this chapter as Abnett has our team face their vulnerabilities and their opponents lack of said vulnerabilities. Good job of bringing that information out without bogging us down with exposition.
Tom Mandrake is in top form as always, the splash of Kronos crashing through a window is incredibly well rendered and Slake is like something out of our worst nightmares. There’s skillful use of contrast and shadows which is needed in a title like this. Mandrake compliments this story like no one else could. Great stuff.
In Conclusion.
The professor gives Kronos a piece of his mind for marching in where angels fear to tread. But Kronos gives it back to him saying that he had no intention of facing Slake but only wanted to gain information as he was doing some re-con work. Kronos was taken by surprise. But in the attack our hero learned something of Slakes weaknesses. What happens when our heroes enter the sewer? To be continued! It’s great stuff and I highly recommend this issue. ***1/2 (8.7 rating)
Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter #3
Writer – Dan Abnett
Art – Tom Mandrake
Letters – Simon Bowland
Colors – Sian Mandrake
Publisher – Hammer/titan comics
Publcation date – December 2017