Review: Crescent City Magick V02
After a long, long wait, finally we can enjoy the continuing adventures of red-headed contemporary born-witch Julia and her fabulous friends.
The reason of the long, long wait is easy. Written, created, inked, lettered, published etc by Michael L. Peters. I mean, this guy does it ALL himself?! No support, all him! This reason alone should make you go out and buy this book, but on top of that, his books are GOOD!
The first volume introduced the main characters: the pretty, kind and eccentric witch Julia, drifter turned hero Clayton, Julia’s circle of friends, the setting of New Orleans. Crescent City Magick Volume 1 represents the individual take on the genre, the second brings in more overt fantasy and horror elements, while maintaining the ground-level reality of the first. Except for flash backs and dream sequences, it still all takes place in New Orleans and circles around Julia, Clayton and Julia’s circle of friends.

The strength of this massive 170 page Graphic Novel of a book, is multi-fold
- the art is just stunning: it makes you think of a younger Kaluta or Windsor-Smith, but a tad heavier on the inks. The storytelling is as strong in the dialogue-ridden sequences, or in the action-filled sequences or even in the faces in each panel
- the characters: you just get wrapped in the characters, be that a talking cat, a forest-creature, the anti-hero Clayton, the tattoed friends of Julia or even the grumpy aunt or the evil-ish characters that all want a piece of Julia.
- even the environments are characters; be it the woods or the city, the surroundings are just as important to the story as the characters.
- flashes into dimension and time: the story is going through different dimensions but also different time/space and the way Michael L. Peters is working the dozens characters, the environments, the time-skipping is done masterly.
- there be zombies: and not the mindless ones… here they can talk, act, scheme and this will lead into Vol 3!
But the real kicker is the growth of each character, with Clayton and Julia discovering more depth in their relationship then a normal couple could handle.
In these 170 glorious pages we see relationships develop, backgrounds intensified because Julia fills us in about her childhood, and we see a biker in the sky riding with valkyrie. I mean… there are soooo many elements that in itself deserve a different book yet Michael L. Peters just takes them into one book and balances it out masterly! With the utmost of respect I tip my hat!
Crescent City Magick volumes 1 & 2 (how cool is that?) available in on Amazon
Print-Amazon: Volume 1: Volume 2 :
Written, created, penciled, inked, lettered, published etc by Michael L. Peters
Available from Amazon
Paperback: 170 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (July 13, 2013)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 6.9 x 9.8 inches