Review: Eccentrix - Comics for Sinners


Published on July 17th, 2015 | by Steven Roman

Review: Eccentrix

Eccentrix01-cvrAntiheroes have always been popular in fiction—they’re the scoundrels, the rogues, the loose cannons, the bad men who lack the moral fiber to make them truly heroic figures. The ones who proudly make statements about how they’re the best at what they do…and what they do isn’t very nice. And yet they always find themselves pushed into heroic situations that require them to perform good deeds.

Zipman could be one of those endearing antiheroes…if he wasn’t such an unrepentant psychopath.

We’re introduced to the superheroic alien named Zipman in Eccentrix, a one-shot comic written by James Maddox (The Horror Show), illustrated by Rob Dumo (Robyn Hood), and published by Broken Icon Comics. Acting like a cross between Marvel Comics’ ever-popular Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, and DC Comics’ Rorschach (of Watchmen fame), Zip—as his fellow superhero-team members call him—is on a mission to wipe out crime…and if that involves sizable body counts and a great deal of bloodletting, well, that just means he’s doing a good job.

Not everyone agrees with that attitude—especially his team leader, Doji-san, who wants Zip contained, one way or another. And if that involves Zip getting “accidentally” killed during a battle with a telekinetic succubus, well, that just means a major problem—and public relations nightmare—for the team has been solved.

It’s pretty clear that hugging it out isn’t going to soothe Doji-san’s animosity…

Bottom line? If you’re into Deadpool, or Rorschach, or the unholy love child they’d create (God help us all!), and are looking for a wacky approach to superheroes, then check out Eccentrix. It’s what Zipman would want you to do—even if he had to kill you to make you read it.



Written by James Maddox

Art and cover by Rob Dumo

Publisher: Broken Icon Comics

32 pages • full-color

$5.00 print • Two-part digital version: 99¢ each part

Now on sale at Comixology


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About the Author

Steven A. Roman is the author of the Saga of Pandora Zwieback novel series and the graphic novels Lorelei: Sects and the City and Sunn, and the bestselling author of the novels X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy and Final Destination: Dead Man’s Hand. Follow his adventures in publishing at StarWarp Concepts.

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