Review: Elysium - Comics for Sinners

Screen Reviews

Published on April 15th, 2014 | by Richard Boom

Review: Elysium

elysium-posterNeill Blomkamp impressed young and old with the scifi-movie DISTRICT 9, a low-budget movie that impressed due to the story, the actors and the political message about South-Africa and Apartheid.

In his bigger-budget movie ELYSIUM he takes it up a notch with the entourage and space-theme as well as down a notch as the political message is perhaps TOO clear.

The year is 2154 and Earth has been turned into one huge slum, with nasty tattood gangsta’s calling the shots in the street and the French-speaking filthy rich are floating in space in a station called Elysium, where there is no sickness or aging, due to the fact that all homes have a fancy medical machine. Max is a factory-worker who gets into an accident and wants to get to Elysium to get healed, helped illegaly by the gang-members who even fix him up with this fancy metal exoskeleton crafted onto his spinal cord.

The huge difference between the poor and the rich is something Blomkamp keeps targetting, more then need be for the story as if he wants to truly SHOUT it out. Due to huge sets, massive space-sequences, great acting and intense story this political message is not boring or distracting, though, as Blomkamp has Matt Damon in a massiveiron suit. Damon’s character is as much as a profetic anti-hero as Sharlto Copley was in District 9, although Damon’s character is a tad more readable, transparante even, which makes him a tad lsee interesting. The truly interesting character AGAIN is Copley, who now is a mercenary hitman without a concience, with a lot of targetted anger, swearing and singing lullabies. Copley again makes this Blomkamp movie a treat to experience.

Please get Blomkamp a new story to put on the big screen and PLEASE have him go with Copley again!

PS the BluRay version has extra scenes and amazing behind-the-scene looks at the scifi-sets. I am not really into extra stuff, but this is done right and worth the extra time.

Director/Writer: Neill Blomkamp | Cast: Matt Damon (Max), Sharlto Copley (Kruger), Jodie Foster (Delacourt), Alice Braga (Frey), Wagner Moura (Spider), e.o. | Length: 109 minuten | Year: 2013

Thanks to Sony Pictures for the review copy.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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