Review: Everything #1
In the town of Holland, Michigan a new big box store is opening called ‘Everything’. And it promises to have just that, everything. And so begins the first issue of a new monthly series from Dark Horse Comics and creators Christopher Cantwell (creator of the tv series ‘Halt and Catch Fire’) and artist I. N. J. Culbard (Brink).

This first issue introduces us to the town, mostly thru quick glimpses, and the intro of some of our main cast. At first glance the town of Holland seems like any other small town America in the (what I’m assuming) mid-late 80’s. But the art shows, and the small snippets of dialogue clue you in on the fact, that the town is on the slow decline that hasn’t taken firm footing yet but is coming.
While we don’t get a lot in this first issue, what we are given shows us that something is, shall we say,a tad off. There is just a feeling that behind the veneer of the normal life of the town that something is very wrong. Which we learn later on that yes, something IS wrong we just don’t know what. It’s this unsettled feeling that comes thru that makes this first issue so interesting. It’s the same feeling you get when watching a well made zombie or coming apocalypse film or reading one of Stephen King’s novels; that everything may seem normal but there’s a storm coming and it’s bringing a nightmare with it.
The art is just perfect for this type of story. Not flashy or dynamic but solid, sturdy, able to hold up against whatever is coming next. The expressions and body language is used to tell more of the story than what is being told with words, which fits perfect for this type of build up. The characters aren’t the same body model, the faces are unique with their own quirks. I have never seen the artists work before but just this first issue makes me want to go and find what they’ve done in the past.
The writing is lean. Not dialogue heavy, just enough to carry the story along as the art fills in the ‘left unsaid’ aspects. If I didn’t know the writer worked in tv/film I would have guessed by the way he uses the words to break up the visuals and give just enough to make us want that next page. Very well done, and a great example of a slow build.
The colors just add to the look. Bright and clean but a little too much so at times that adds to the feel that something isn’t right. Then at times garish and off putting in a way that just doesn’t seem to fit. Again, adding to the overall feel and tone this issue is giving off.
I really enjoyed this. A couple of reads through and you just get a creepy factor you can’t really explain but SO want to know more about. Looking forward to where this is going and how it’s gonna get there.
Writer: Christopher Cantwell
Artist: I. N. J. Culbard
Editor: Karen Berger
Publisher: Dark Horse
Cover Artist: I. N. J. Culbard
Format: 32 pages
Price: $3.99
Everything #1 will hit comic shops and digital retailers on September 4.