Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on June 21st, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Review: Fathom The Elite Saga #1 (of 5)

FATH_ELITESAGA-E1b_Caldwell-2x3When I first read Fathom, by the late (R.I.P.) Michael Turner, I felt like this was like an instant-classic fairy tale. Like someone fell into a bowl of magic and come out with this story. It reached my heart and for this I will always remember Michael Turner.

But now he is no longer with us.

And yet here I am, still talking about Fathom… his legacy.

Funny thing is this, short and plain and simple: the club at Aspen did it right.

The took the story and nurtured it, polished it and never gave up on it. And in reading the first issue of Fathom The Elite Saga, I got those very same jiggly feelings in my innards. That tingle tells me the truth: this is still magic!

Vince Hernandez, J.T. Krull and David Wohl came up with Fathom The Elite Saga and to make it look as fresh and sparkly, rich with quality in pencils, colors, lettering, digital inks and the one and only Talent Caldwell on covers. And they upped the Ante by making this a weekly story? How amazing is that? It blows my mind, for sure!

In reading this debuting issue, you see all the main characters from the entire Fathom saga come back to haunt the readers. We have Aspen (trying to get a feel of normal-y life) and Killian (risen from the dead, looking for his wife and daughter who left due to his temper) as well as Kiani (also back from the dead) and all these characters are on their own paths and the reader just knows the collision path is going to be amazing.

The building up, Kiani escaping, Killian’s wife with her own struggle and her new child, Aspen reconnecting with old friends… I cannot wait for the next issue!

The pencils by newbie Marion are exquisite. Plain and simple.

Stop reading this review and get your damn copy!


  • Words: Vince Hernandez
  • Art: V. Ken Marion
  • Publisher: Aspen Comics
  • Price: $3.99
  • Release Date: June 19, 2013

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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