Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on December 16th, 2020 | by Richard Boom


Review: Firebitch #1

Creative multi-talent (writer, cosplay artist, colorist, singer and much more!) Cara Nicole is most known for her cosplay as AZ Powergirl. She has been a cosplayer on covers for an amazing many of artists. This comic book is her first big leap into the fiery world of crowdfunding comics! She has done other crowdfunding campaigns before but this is her first comic-project.

Back in 2012 Cara co-created the character of Firebitch with Alfred Trujillo and after deciding enough time had passed, she spent all of 2019 working to bring her creation to life!

Welcome to the world of reluctant insta-heroine #firebitch.

The premise is this: Insensitive internet model Chastity Chase, basically the last person you’d ever want as a hero, is pulled into a violent intergalactic genocide conflict on the other side of the galaxy. To make matters worse, she must deal with mysterious and dangerous new powers while trying to avoid getting cancelled online! No way home, nowhere to run, and with the impending doom of imminent death or having to return to Earth only to have to get–a day job…Chas must break all the rules. She must go all the way. She must become Firebitch.

ok so… this is the start of this journey and it was a massive success and well…. TODAY will be the launch of her second issue: Firebitch #2 !!

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Enough dallying and let us get on with it already!

Cara is a proud woman and it shows in anyting she undertakes and with the obvious full support of artist/creator Alfred Truijlo they succeed on every turn. Her crowdfunding with calendars and pinupbooks have done great and here appearance on many covers is noted!

But now… a comic… which is a completely new beast, for sure!

But they pull it off! FIREBITCH is a read that is unapologetic, totally tongue-in-cheek, over the top and barking up every tree possible…

At no point does it get boring and truth be told, the story is straight-forward, but due to the dialogue, the supporting art and the friggin’ ATTITUDE this is one of the books that has FUN written about it in capital lettering!

Sparks fly everywhere as Chastity tries to get grips of her new powers, her alien live and even fighitng big alien dudes. And with sparks I do not only mean it in a literal fashion, but her attitude, her thoughts, her actions and her bickering… it makes for a really good read.

I am for one looking forward to the next issue!!

And as I stated online:

Here we go again! Cara Nicole and Alfred T-Virus Trujillo know how to use BOOM 🙂
Their book FIREBITCH is actually a friggin amazing read and I cannot wait till they launch Firebitch #2.
This book delivers on ‘visuals’ for sure, but the story and dialogue are as impressive as Cara’s personal energy. Have you ever seen her on her stream or on Youtube? That verbal energy is smack in the middle of the comic as well, and makes it a book that stands out in the crowd!
Just like she does herself really!

o well… and with Xmas 2020 around the corner, why not let Cara wish you Merry Xmas in her own dingdong way!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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