Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on March 8th, 2017 | by Kevin Given


Review: Hammer’s The Mummy #3

Angel Kostenko is a young woman who was illegally trafficked from the Ukraine. The Anubis sect has performed an ancient Egyptian ritual on her in which the soul of Nebatah, an ancient Egyptian high priestess, has been transformed into her mind.
The Pyramid club interrupted the ceremony before it could be completed. Angel escapes but Duncan Clarke, the youngest member of the Pyramid Club handed her a calling card. She follows the card to the British museum and faints, then she winds up missing. That leads us to this issue. which opens at Luxor in 1880. The Egyptians are saying a prayer to summon Nebatah when a group of British men show up and disrupt the ceremony. Then we then jump ahead to London in 2017.

The Creative Team:

Peter Milligan continues his jumps back and forth in time and is clearly enjoying the ride he’s taking us readers on. The British gentlemen who have discovered the secret of Egyptian immortality are searching for Angel, who is host to Nebatah. Having Nebatah in her head is playing havoc with Angel’s mind, as you could probably guess. Angel begins to have repressed memories and Milligan brings us directly into her mind and the action ensues. An ancient Egyptian deity is in hot pursuit of Angel and Duncan. Milligan brings us the right balance of action and drama in an issue that heightens the suspense in a strong way.

Ronilson Freire brings the ancient Egyptian deity to life in a horrifying way. His demons evoke the Egyptian cult and yet he brings his own perspective successfully into his rendering of the creatures. He captures each century that the story takes us through and his imagery is strong. Great stuff to be sure. The splash of the demon chasing down our heroes alone is worth the cover price. I loved his art and it fits the story to a tee.

The Cover:

A nice cover that will draw the curious out. Angel/Nebatah is pointing in the direction of the reader. In the foreground are two mummies staring directly at the reader. In the background is a wall of hieroglyphics, indicating that they are in some type of Egyptian temple. The POV is from slightly up, looking at the mummies, and it clearly evokes a feeling of helplessness as they are obviously looking at something that is scaring even the mummies. The comic store surfer will clearly be intrigued by what’s happening here.

In Conclusion:

This issue brings us ever so closer to the mystery surrounding the secret of Nebatah and how she is slowly taking control of Angel’s life. More secrets are revealed as an ancient enemy confronts the British gentlemen and we learn a little bit more about how the British are able to sustain their immortality. Will the British succeed in their efforts or will their plans be thwarted? Will Angel be able to maintain control of her mind or will Nebatah take complete control of her victim? To be continued. ***1/2

Hammer’s The Mummy #3

Writer – Peter Milligan
Art – Ronilson Freire
Colors – Ming Sen, Dijjo Lima
Letters – Simon Bowland
Publisher – Titan Comics, Hammer Comics
Publication Date – March 2017


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About the Author

Kevin Given has studied with "Longridge Writers Group" and "Writer's Boot Camp" a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the "Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter" franchise which includes 2 novels and 8 comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of "Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter" #1 and "Files of Karl Vincent" #1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series "Dracula Rising" (working title) and developing "Foul Blood" into comic book form.

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