Review: Into the Suck - Comics for Sinners

Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on July 11th, 2016 | by John Bakema

Review: Into the Suck

suck_cvr1Recently I saw this title coming along on my timeline on Facebook. I was interested from the get go, only a single or few pics.

Lo and behold, I got sent a review copy. So was my interest justified? In short, YES….OOOOH YES YES YES!!!!

What’s not to love here? A really badass female character, pay attention you Big 2 because this is how it’s done. That cover alone, wow! It’s as if you as reader just got a whooping from Ursula the lead character, pointing her gun in your face, well you hope it’s your face, with a facial expression so arrogant, so contemptuously, angry, it’s to kill for. And of course in a tight suit with a body to kill for too. The other ingredients are there too: aliens, space(ship) and what seems to be the dark villain.
Then there’s what looks like another maybe different cover with Ursula sitting relaxed, wide-legged, gun in hand giving the middle finger, looking crazy hot. I like the art, the look of Ursula, the attitude. Now I have to start reading to find out if it delivers.

The vibe I got from those 2 first pics was female Han Solo. And where do we begin after an opening shot of a space station? Yup, a bar filled with aliens. Guess I was on the right track with female Han Solo.
And to get that out of the way, Ursula hit first. After a gun was pointed at her ok, but she hit first. Never do I want to hear a debate on this, ok?

We find out Ursula does shady jobs involving bounties and her father seems to be in the same business. We don’t get to see him (yet) but he’s mentioned.
Off Ursula goes on a mission. We see her boarding her ship, her alien pilot Squee, a love interest of sorts, Ursula being the dominant factor telling the Prince, a Prince yes, to not overly romanticize their ‘thing’ and with that she’s getting more badass as the pages go by.
And there’s what seems to be the bad guy, black cloaked figure in pursuit of the same bounty job and logically Ursula in the process. Read the book to find out what that job is.

With this first installment things are put in motion. While reading you may get a cliche feeling. I mean there’s the hot chick, aliens, black cloaked villain, father/daughter thing, the humour even with Squee calling the Prince ‘Anus’ because he seems to have difficulty pronouncing his name and then Ursula going with it by calling him ‘Anus’ too, her ‘love’ interest.
But do give this a try because it certainly isn’t cliche only, I really really liked it. It was a fresh, fun read hitting all the marks for me. I like the lead character, the setting and set-up and the humour very much too, there are a couple of more panels making me giggle, the discussion between Ursula and Squee about new heavier engines being the fault of a rough landing and the reply of being in weightless space? Great stuff.

So good set-up issue, really nice art and special mention and kudos to the colouring. It’s not dark and gloomy but very bright vivid colours. I like how those set a tone themselves complimenting the art and story.

Come join the crew of aliens and action, of one-liners and romance, about universal domination and saving the galaxy all rolled into one. Kickstarter-ing now at

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About the Author

John has been an avid comic book reader ever since he was a kid learning to read and now we're thousands of comics later. Being Dutch means it's the best of two worlds, European comics and American, even manga, it took a while, is added more and more to the range of interest, which was wide enough already. Other than comics he's heavily into gaming, music, movies and books without pictures. In-between he also works and raises a kid.

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